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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.876.423 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Bye Bye Covid (English edition)

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

Buch: 220 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 28937
Gewicht: 560g
ISBN: 978-3-9525570-2-0 9783952557020
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Dieses Buch auf Französisch
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Bye Bye Covid (English edition)

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

The solution to coronavirus that they don't want you to know about...
A pioneering path out of the plandemic, proven by courageous doctors and friends of the truth, by Andreas Kalcker.
€ 17,50
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 220 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 28937
Gewicht: 560g
ISBN: 978-3-9525570-2-0 9783952557020
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Dieses Buch auf Französisch
Dieses Buch auf Spanisch

€ 17,50
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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€ 17,50
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Suppressed knowledge about a very successful treatment
I live in Florida. I found so-to-say a trace of this book on telegram. So I went on a book hunt. Amazon (US) showed it originally (not at all anymore), but without further information. No possibility to order. Then I visited a few days later in person the stores of Books-a-Million, Barnes and Noble... the Author is not even mentioned in their computer systems according to their employees. Finally I "stranded" here at the Narayana-Verlag and was happy, that I found a publishing company, which carried the books of Andreas Kalcker and ordered this one ("Bye Bye Covid") and "Forbidden Health".

"Bye Bye Covid" was delivered from Germany within three days. I was extremely and positively surprised. Most of the time mail or parcels need 7-14 days to be delivered, if it doesn't get lost or even confiscated. Unfortunately the FDA cooperates with the USPS to go through mail more thoroughly and confiscates a lot, what is not "appropriate" or "not according to the rules", whatever their definition of this is. Just now they hunt medication, supplements and possibly non-main-stream literature. So yes, I was very impressed.

I started reading this book and I am fascinated. Normally I read literature like this slowly in little steps. Not this one. I read the first 50 pages in one session. It is like a "never-put-downer" experience, you just want to continue reading. Among other things this book is a collection of stories of personalities, who were involved in an important discovery: how this treatment can save you, your family and friends from Covid, which opens another window of treatment, in case you can't get HCQ or IVM (see above, confiscation).

Chapter nine describes the patented treatment (e.g. US 20210338715-A1), gives a summary of intervention protocols of Covid-19 and it represents featured studies to prove, that the usage of this treatment solution is safe (contrary to a false FDA statement), if you follow the rules.

Over all, this book is a refreshing view into an alternative treatment, an eyeopener, how much information is suppressed, how much healthier we could be. If you wonder, why the Bolivian policia or their military didn't have a high amount of Covid-cases, the treatment protocols described in this book are the source of their well being. I was surprised to learn, that this treatment seems to be better than the IVM treatment promoted by courageous doctors in the US. So I guess there is a lot of work to do to inform them.

A hint, only mentioned in some sentences: This described treatment seems also to help against other illnesses, like diabetes, arthritis, in certain cases high blood pressure and so on. To get more information on that, I ordered the other book. It seems to be in reprint. The version on Amazon is according to some critics an unauthorized print and nobody knows, what is altered - so better purchase here and wait, when the print is ready to ship.

This bookshop is bookmarked and I will use them again.
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26 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Devon Seamoor

vor 1 Jahr
One detail is missing. If the book is in English or German. When I read "Mängelexemplar" I read a German word. In the detals I read Buch: 220 pages, pb Another German word. The title is in English. Why not make that clear? Pay attention please!!! weiterlesen ...
1 Person findet das nicht hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Great book!
This book is a perfect solution. We apply what Andreas writes and our family is heathy. The book is clear, easy to understand and apply. It is perfect for all other body problems or illness not just the C. I can only recommend it. weiterlesen ...
16 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Peter Radolovic

vor 3 Jahren
Yes I liked this Book , but in English Please, weiterlesen ...
4 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Stephan J
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
The English version of the book is available on this site and well worth reading. (And available nowhere else, it seems) weiterlesen ...
6 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
JR Junior
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Bye Bye Covid
This is an excellent well written book that everyone should read. I worked in a hospital since the beginning of Covid. I can tell you the testimonies are true from what the doctors described because I went through the same narrative. If you really would like to know the truth about the current political & medical atmosphere, I strongly urge you to read the book. It will open Your Eyes what can be accomplished with the truth. weiterlesen ...
10 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
John Winstead
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 2 Jahren
The Solution to the Plandemics
Great information to have in my library of proven successful solutions to covid and other pathogens. The powers that be don't want us to have this information. The more open minded people know about this, the less suffering there will be. I've researched mms and cds for several years and and thanks to Jim Humble and Andreas Kalcker we have an answer to this plandemic and the next ones coming. I make it up myself and share it with friends that are open minded enough to even look at it and they all get results. the ones that are brainwashed and close minded suffer. Their choice. weiterlesen ...
9 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Veronica Maseth
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Book of truth!!!!
I am soooooooo glad that I got this book!!!!!!!
Very pertinent to our times and so so informative!!!!
Eye opening!!!!
weiterlesen ...
9 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Kalcker's Book: Bye Bye Covid
This book, Bye Bye Covid, finally demonstrates a positive and long-awaited paradigm shift in medicine and, in particular, a rapid way out of the Covid panic pandemic. weiterlesen ...
9 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Great information
Informative. Full of supported information, easy to read section by section.
Worth having. I also ordered my other products from this helpful site.
Easy to order speedy well packaged delivery.
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5 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
echt interessant und lehrreich
Wende es seit 3 Jahren selber an, bei dem ein oder anderen körperl. Leiden und es hilft - würde ich es nicht selber ausprobiert haben, wären die Ausführungen im Buch mögl. zu fantastisch, im Hinblick auf die vielen vielen Verunsicherungen aus den Massenmedien.
Danke für die Veröffentlichung und die Weitergabe der Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissse.
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5 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Merlin Friel
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
A book everyone should read weiterlesen ...
4 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 3 Jahren
Einfach und sicher
Dieses Buch beschreibt, dass Covid einfach und sicher behandelt werden kann. weiterlesen ...
3 Personen finden das hilfreich. Finden Sie das hilfreich?

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