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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.911.717 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Cancer & Homeopathy von Jean-Lionel Bagot, Rezension

Cancer & Homeopathy / Jean-Lionel Bagot

Jean-Lionel Bagot

Cancer & Homeopathy   

How to alleviate the side effects of ­chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone therapy


von Ian Hamilton

erschienen in "The Homeopath" Winter 2014

Cancer and Homeopathy

This is one of those books which will sit on my shelves and be a great tool for consulting when the need arises. Many of us have patients who come with ailments from allopathic treatment, in the case of cancer, unavoidably.

I was so interested in the book 1 asked my GP to see what he made of it. His response; "Very interesting. Can't argue with treatments that are safe, free from side effects and drug interactions"

So this is a useful book from any viewpoint. The author is scrupulous in telling readers that this is not a way of treating cancer. It is in its sub-title, about alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone treatment, so very useful for us, that we have its purpose.
It is so specific that it gives treatment of particular drugs eg. Paclitaxel (Taxol®) I have some experience of this drug and would have welcomed the book at the time. Weekly regime is Cortisone30c, Paclitaxel 6c and Graphites 30c.

He looks at particular physical/organ areas of side effects such as cardiovascular disorders, respiratory, hot flushes, neurological and joint disorders.
There are sections on pain management, psychological effects, palliative care, nausea and vomiting, dermatological problems, oedema and urinary tract disorders.

There is information on isotherapy and immune system disorders and a general section on how to use homeopathy (not very broad). This is what appealed to my GP I think. He is an open minded doctor but obviously with no homeopathic training. So the book would be a good way of winning support from the NHS sector.

The book is very good at explaining side effects and has a simple structure of summarising in table form, which regimes and remedies are useful. It is good at giving information like sexual disorders from chemotherapy in both men and women and there is a good little repertory table for hot flushes.

What it does not stress is the taking of the whole case which we do as well as the use of specifics. In that sense it can be missing the most important thing which homeopathy does-treating the whole patient. Nevertheless, to be able to have a response to the distressing side effects of cancer treatment, which may quickly alleviate this suffering, can be a powerful addition to our tool box.
Cancer & Homeopathy / Jean-Lionel Bagot

Jean-Lionel Bagot

Cancer & Homeopathy   

How to alleviate the side effects of ­chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and hormone therapy

€ 34,00
Cancer & Homeopathy: In den Warenkorb


Rezensionen zu diesem Buch
Jean-Lionel Bagot
Cancer and Homeopathy
von Ian Hamilton , erschienen in "The Homeopath" Winter 2014
Jean-Lionel Bagot
Cancer and Homeopathy
von Joe Rozencwajg , erschienen in "The Homeopath" November 2015




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