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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.944.136 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Clinical Verification

Michael Van Wassenhoven

Buch: 678 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06426
Gewicht: 1730g
ISBN: 978-2-87491-003-6 9782874910036

Printed in India

Clinical Verification

Michael Van Wassenhoven

First Line Medicine
€ 69,00
€ 59,00
14,5% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 678 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06426
Gewicht: 1730g
ISBN: 978-2-87491-003-6 9782874910036

Printed in India

This book offers a new approach to the clinical verification of homeopathic symptoms. New statistical methodology is used for the verification of homeopathic drug proving symptoms, opening a new perspective for an evidence-based repertory.

The publisher:

• Livre bilingue, les textes sont done egalement en Francais.
• Clinical verification of homeopathic proving symptoms thereby validating the classical homeopathic literature
• First book which shows the results of systematic verification of homeopathy
• Not just an expert opinion but based on facts and results of more than 25 years of research and practice
• Simple and easy to use for improving homeopathic daily practice

Dr. Michel Van Wassenhoven is President of the professional Union: Unio homeopathica Belgica, Brussels, Belgium. He is founder of the European Committee for Homeopathy and also Research secretary of the LMHI (Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis).

He is writer or co-writer of many books like L'homeopathie Surla route de la guerison, Homéopathie Les complémentarités, Kent-Traité théorique et pratique d'lmmunothérapie à doses infmitésimales and A selection of 100 homeopathic remedies in 10 steps for acute diseases treatments.

He has presented many papers like Homeopathic Medicine Research Group Report, Direction Generale XII, Commission Europeenne, Homeopathy and health related Quality of life: a survey in six European countries, Entretiens, du Carla, « L'homéopathie : relations entre les recherches actuelles et la pratique médicate et pharmaceutique and An observational study of patients receiving homeopathic treatment.

This book is of enormous value for the homeopathic community. With this book Michel van Wassenhoven opens doors to the future and to an Evidence-Based- Homeopathy.
The author shows with great success a new approach for the clinical verification of homeopathic symptoms. The author applies a new statistical methodology to the verification of homeopathic drug proving symptoms and opens new perspectives for an Evidence-Based-Repertory. This book is an important step to the future of homeopathy and of enormous value for the homeopathic community.
- Dr. Ulrich D. Fischer President of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathies Internationalis

€ 69,00
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This book offers a new approach to the clinical verification of homeopathic symptoms. New statistical methodology is used for the verification of homeopathic drug proving symptoms, opening a new perspective for an evidence-based repertory.

The publisher:

• Livre bilingue, les textes sont done egalement en Francais.
• Clinical verification of homeopathic proving symptoms thereby validating the classical homeopathic literature
• First book which shows the results of systematic verification of homeopathy
• Not just an expert opinion but based on facts and results of more than 25 years of research and practice
• Simple and easy to use for improving homeopathic daily practice

Dr. Michel Van Wassenhoven is President of the professional Union: Unio homeopathica Belgica, Brussels, Belgium. He is founder of the European Committee for Homeopathy and also Research secretary of the LMHI (Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis).

He is writer or co-writer of many books like L'homeopathie Surla route de la guerison, Homéopathie Les complémentarités, Kent-Traité théorique et pratique d'lmmunothérapie à doses infmitésimales and A selection of 100 homeopathic remedies in 10 steps for acute diseases treatments.

He has presented many papers like Homeopathic Medicine Research Group Report, Direction Generale XII, Commission Europeenne, Homeopathy and health related Quality of life: a survey in six European countries, Entretiens, du Carla, « L'homéopathie : relations entre les recherches actuelles et la pratique médicate et pharmaceutique and An observational study of patients receiving homeopathic treatment.

This book is of enormous value for the homeopathic community. With this book Michel van Wassenhoven opens doors to the future and to an Evidence-Based- Homeopathy.
The author shows with great success a new approach for the clinical verification of homeopathic symptoms. The author applies a new statistical methodology to the verification of homeopathic drug proving symptoms and opens new perspectives for an Evidence-Based-Repertory. This book is an important step to the future of homeopathy and of enormous value for the homeopathic community.
- Dr. Ulrich D. Fischer President of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathies Internationalis

In den Warenkorb
€ 69,00
€ 59,00
14,5% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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