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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.992.076 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Colors in Homeopathy - Textbook

Ulrich Welte

Buch: 108 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2024
Best.-Nr.: 17948
Gewicht: 310g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-070-1 9783955820701



Colors in Homeopathy - Textbook

Ulrich Welte

Color Repertory with Instructions
€ 18,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 108 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2024
Best.-Nr.: 17948
Gewicht: 310g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-070-1 9783955820701



“The color preference reflects a person's inner state, so leading us to the best remedy. It often shows us which remedy groups are worth examining. And it's also a great help when confirming an indicated remedy“ – Jan Scholten

Color preference expresses a person's prevailing emotional state and the condition of their vital force. It is a reliable general symptom that is easy to determine and does not require any interpretation. Color preference helps to precisely determine the best remedy and can be used as an additional symptom regardless of the homeopathic approach being used.

The relationship between colors and remedies was discovered during decades of clinical research, starting 30 years ago with Dr Hugbald Müller from Cologne, continued primarily in the Kandern practice, and now being further developed on a worldwide basis. The color preference of well over 10,000 patients has been systematically checked for many years. Only the cases of those patients who were healed or who showed significant improvement were then evaluated. It became clear that the patients who were cured by a specific remedy had the same color preference. The color symptom was therefore not simply theoretically assigned to a remedy but this connection emerged naturally.

The sixth edition has been greatly extended. It includes for the first time the relationship between color groups and remedy families. For example, turquoise contains the Natrium and Lithium compounds, the Anacardiaceae, and the snake remedies. This broader perspective allows more scope for remedy selection. One or two color preferences have been assigned to over 1100 remedies. Color preference can therefore be used as a key building block in remedy selection, a method that proved helpful for over 50% of cases in a clinical trial. In addition, the remedies of the color rubrics are arranged according to Jan Scholten's series for the first time: the plant remedies contain the codes from Scholten's new botanical system. It is therefore the first repertory that contains this system of classification.

“Dr H. V. Müller's discovery of the color preference is simply a remarkable achievement. Thanks to his work, I have found unexpected paths to the simillimum and have therefore been able to heal cases that were resistant to the usual methods. The miracle of the color preference successfully led me to new remedies that I had never used before. It was also able to confirm well-known remedies, where I would previously have puzzled over whether they were really indicated. “ – Peter Tumminello
"This reference book only contains text, tables, and explanations. It is a supplement to the color charts and can only be used together with these."

We recommend purchasing the set:
Set – Color Charts and Textbook with Repertory

Link to Color List

€ 18,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

“The color preference reflects a person's inner state, so leading us to the best remedy. It often shows us which remedy groups are worth examining. And it's also a great help when confirming an indicated remedy“ – Jan Scholten

Color preference expresses a person's prevailing emotional state and the condition of their vital force. It is a reliable general symptom that is easy to determine and does not require any interpretation. Color preference helps to precisely determine the best remedy and can be used as an additional symptom regardless of the homeopathic approach being used.

The relationship between colors and remedies was discovered during decades of clinical research, starting 30 years ago with Dr Hugbald Müller from Cologne, continued primarily in the Kandern practice, and now being further developed on a worldwide basis. The color preference of well over 10,000 patients has been systematically checked for many years. Only the cases of those patients who were healed or who showed significant improvement were then evaluated. It became clear that the patients who were cured by a specific remedy had the same color preference. The color symptom was therefore not simply theoretically assigned to a remedy but this connection emerged naturally.

The sixth edition has been greatly extended. It includes for the first time the relationship between color groups and remedy families. For example, turquoise contains the Natrium and Lithium compounds, the Anacardiaceae, and the snake remedies. This broader perspective allows more scope for remedy selection. One or two color preferences have been assigned to over 1100 remedies. Color preference can therefore be used as a key building block in remedy selection, a method that proved helpful for over 50% of cases in a clinical trial. In addition, the remedies of the color rubrics are arranged according to Jan Scholten's series for the first time: the plant remedies contain the codes from Scholten's new botanical system. It is therefore the first repertory that contains this system of classification.

“Dr H. V. Müller's discovery of the color preference is simply a remarkable achievement. Thanks to his work, I have found unexpected paths to the simillimum and have therefore been able to heal cases that were resistant to the usual methods. The miracle of the color preference successfully led me to new remedies that I had never used before. It was also able to confirm well-known remedies, where I would previously have puzzled over whether they were really indicated. “ – Peter Tumminello
"This reference book only contains text, tables, and explanations. It is a supplement to the color charts and can only be used together with these."

We recommend purchasing the set:
Set – Color Charts and Textbook with Repertory

Link to Color List

In den Warenkorb
€ 18,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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Mike Andrews
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 6 Jahren
Farben in der Homöopathie
Ich hatte die 3. Auflage des Lehrbuchs und die Farbtafel und habe sie mehrere Jahre lang benutzt. Diese Ausgabe enthält viele nützliche Zusatzinformationen, wie z. B. die Verknüpfung der Farben mit bestimmten Familien und Serien, und natürlich sind Aktualisierungen online verfügbar.
Es ist ein gut produziertes Buch mit festem Einband, mein altes Buch mit Papiereinband war am Zerfallen.
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Natasha Zarubin, Hom
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
Hilfreich und unterhaltsam
Ich benutze dieses Buch sehr gerne für Bestätigungen und Differenzierungen. Sehr oft hat es mir geholfen, eine endgültige Entscheidung zu treffen, z.B. bei der Wahl eines der Vogelmittel. Ich hatte sogar ein großartiges Ergebnis mit einem farbenblinden Patienten. Es funktioniert wunderbar mit Kindern, da sie sich nicht für Trends und Stile interessieren. Es macht mir wirklich Spaß, mit Farben zu arbeiten!
Vielen Dank Ulrich
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Finden Sie das hilfreich?
Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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