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Narayana Verlag

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  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen


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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.946.910 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Complete Set - Homeopathy in Mental Health Congress 2013 - 5 DVDs

Jan Scholten / Michal Yakir / Jonathan Hardy / Farokh J. Master / Mahesh Gandhi

erschienen: 2013
Best.-Nr.: 14390
Gewicht: 205g

Price reduced from € 99,- to € 49,- only

Seminar on video: 5 DVDs
The DVD can be played in three languages, English, French, or German.

Complete Set - Homeopathy in Mental Health Congress 2013 - 5 DVDs

Jan Scholten / Michal Yakir / Jonathan Hardy / Farokh J. Master / Mahesh Gandhi

Seminar of March 8-10, 2013 in Bad Krozingen, Germany with Jan Scholten, Jonathan Hardy, Farokh Master, Mahesh Gandhi and Michal Yakir
€ 185,00
€ 49,00
73,5% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
erschienen: 2013
Best.-Nr.: 14390
Gewicht: 205g

Price reduced from € 99,- to € 49,- only

Seminar on video: 5 DVDs
The DVD can be played in three languages, English, French, or German.

Over 500 participants from 32 different countries took part in this unique congress. It was a meeting point for the international homeopathy movement with a frank and intense atmosphere of cooperation and exchange.

On the first day of the congress, Jan Scholten introduced the high-level structure of the plant kingdom. The same natural laws governing the series and stages of the periodic table also underlie the tremendous variety of the system of plant families. Jan Scholten‘s detailed introduction included how to use the new system, with a series of cases featuring rarely used remedies such as Crocosmia crocosmiiflora, Acorus calamus and Eccremocarpus scaber.

Later, by way of contrast, the homeopath and botanist Michal Yakir presented the plant system that she herself has developed. This system is already being used by a number of homeopaths, including Mahesh Gandhi. Yakir classifies the remedies according to the Cronquist taxonomy. She has developed a logical and easy-to-use
method to take advantage of this botanical system in homeopathy.

On the second day of the congress, the popular speaker Farokh Master described his experience in the homeopathic treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. He summed up the state of homeopathy in the treatment of mental illness from Hahnemann to the current day, stressing the importance of communicating clinical experience so that the materia medica can be supplemented in this area. He demonstrated his approach in practice using cases of bipolar disorder (Camphora, Heroinum).

Mahesh Gandhi discussed obsessive-compulsive disorders, presenting some of the remedies he uses (including Boron, Calcium nitricum, Kalium bromatum, Crotalus cascavella, Mancinella, Anacardium) and their groups in a way that made it easy for congress participants to clearly grasp their essence.

Jonathan Hardy impressively rounded off this inspirational congress by leading the audience deep into the world of the mammals. He showed cases from the realm of the animals that were both fascinating and touching, with the pictures of remedies such as Lac lupinum and Lac leoninum.

Feedback from the congress:
"I would like to tell you how much I’ve been blown away by this congress: the organization, the generosity of the speakers, the theme, the visit to the publishing house in Kandern, the persons who have participated to that event, the richness of this gathering. I’ve been deeply touched by each of the speakers and also by the breadth of this congress; so many people passionately involved in homeopathy. I left Sunday night feeling nourished, inspired, confident and reassured. Thank you for addressing your passion to the wide public, to allow an easy access to this medicine which has neither precedent nor competitor. I will certainly be among you, anywhere in the world, for years to come. Thank you!"

Anouk Lapointe, Homéopathe, Canada

5 presentations on DVD consisting of:

- Jan Scholten, The “Periodic Table” of Plants - 1 DVD
- Michal Yakir, The Botanical System in Homeopathy - 1 DVD
- Jonathan Hardy, Mammal Remedies in Homeopathy - 1 DVD
- Farokh J. Master, The Treatment of Mental Illness with the Example of Bipolar Disorder - 1 DVD
- Mahesh Gandhi, Homeopathic Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders - 1 DVD

€ 185,00
€ 49,00
73,5% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Over 500 participants from 32 different countries took part in this unique congress. It was a meeting point for the international homeopathy movement with a frank and intense atmosphere of cooperation and exchange.

On the first day of the congress, Jan Scholten introduced the high-level structure of the plant kingdom. The same natural laws governing the series and stages of the periodic table also underlie the tremendous variety of the system of plant families. Jan Scholten‘s detailed introduction included how to use the new system, with a series of cases featuring rarely used remedies such as Crocosmia crocosmiiflora, Acorus calamus and Eccremocarpus scaber.

Later, by way of contrast, the homeopath and botanist Michal Yakir presented the plant system that she herself has developed. This system is already being used by a number of homeopaths, including Mahesh Gandhi. Yakir classifies the remedies according to the Cronquist taxonomy. She has developed a logical and easy-to-use
method to take advantage of this botanical system in homeopathy.

On the second day of the congress, the popular speaker Farokh Master described his experience in the homeopathic treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. He summed up the state of homeopathy in the treatment of mental illness from Hahnemann to the current day, stressing the importance of communicating clinical experience so that the materia medica can be supplemented in this area. He demonstrated his approach in practice using cases of bipolar disorder (Camphora, Heroinum).

Mahesh Gandhi discussed obsessive-compulsive disorders, presenting some of the remedies he uses (including Boron, Calcium nitricum, Kalium bromatum, Crotalus cascavella, Mancinella, Anacardium) and their groups in a way that made it easy for congress participants to clearly grasp their essence.

Jonathan Hardy impressively rounded off this inspirational congress by leading the audience deep into the world of the mammals. He showed cases from the realm of the animals that were both fascinating and touching, with the pictures of remedies such as Lac lupinum and Lac leoninum.

Feedback from the congress:
"I would like to tell you how much I’ve been blown away by this congress: the organization, the generosity of the speakers, the theme, the visit to the publishing house in Kandern, the persons who have participated to that event, the richness of this gathering. I’ve been deeply touched by each of the speakers and also by the breadth of this congress; so many people passionately involved in homeopathy. I left Sunday night feeling nourished, inspired, confident and reassured. Thank you for addressing your passion to the wide public, to allow an easy access to this medicine which has neither precedent nor competitor. I will certainly be among you, anywhere in the world, for years to come. Thank you!"

Anouk Lapointe, Homéopathe, Canada

5 presentations on DVD consisting of:

- Jan Scholten, The “Periodic Table” of Plants - 1 DVD
- Michal Yakir, The Botanical System in Homeopathy - 1 DVD
- Jonathan Hardy, Mammal Remedies in Homeopathy - 1 DVD
- Farokh J. Master, The Treatment of Mental Illness with the Example of Bipolar Disorder - 1 DVD
- Mahesh Gandhi, Homeopathic Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders - 1 DVD

€ 185,00
€ 49,00
73,5% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Wird oft zusammen gekauft
Complete Set - Homeopathy in Mental Health Congress 2013 - 5 DVDs, Jan Scholten / Michal Yakir / Jonathan Hardy / Farokh J. Master / Mahesh Gandhi+Wie die Pflanzentheorie funktioniert!, Martin Jakob =
Gesamtpreis € 54,90
inkl. MwSt.
Alle kaufen

sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
keine Versandkosten

Dieses Produkt: Complete Set - Homeopathy in Mental Health Congress 2013 - 5 DVDs von Jan Scholten / Michal Yakir / Jonathan Hardy / Farokh J. Master / Mahesh Gandhi ‐ € 49,00
Wie die Pflanzentheorie funktioniert! von Martin Jakob ‐ € 5,90

Kunden, die Complete Set - Homeopathy in Mental Health Congress 2013 - 5 DVDs gekauft haben, kauften auch

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