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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.676.909 Kunden aus 193 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Extra-Strength Homeopathy

Manfred Mueller

Extra-Strength Homeopathy, Manfred Mueller
Buch: 506 Seiten,
erschienen: 2024
Best.-Nr.: 33248
Gewicht: 1150g
ISBN: 9789083430119 9789083430119

Extra-Strength Homeopathy

Manfred Mueller

Powerful New Homeopathy Insight
€ 52,25
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Buch: 506 Seiten,
erschienen: 2024
Best.-Nr.: 33248
Gewicht: 1150g
ISBN: 9789083430119 9789083430119

Manfred Mueller 2024:

This book is meant for the advanced homeopathic professional familiar with the basic concepts of our marvelous healing craft. If you are interested in expanding your skills as a practitioner of homeopathy vastly beyond your present knowledge, and to improve treatment outcome, you have come to the right place. Extra-Strength HomeopathyTM has its name from the observation that it almost guarantees a positive outcome in virtually every case of treatment. This book is a compilation of carefully reviewed and updated transcripts of lectures I held over the years on Extra-Strength HomeopathyTM given at Homeopathic College tutorials. It also contains a few articles I wrote that explain the content in these lectures. If you wish to learn this highly effective homeopathic approach proven to work over the past several decades this compendium should be your study guide.

The world has accelerated since the simple horse-and-buggy days of Hahnemann’s time, and so our approach to homeopathic treatment must become just as advanced and dynamic. With technological, scientific, and medical progress, the diseases and disorders we suffer from have become more complicated and more aggressive. Identifying and removing obstacles to cure, antidoting the secondary effects of past suppressions and exposures, understanding individualisation of potency and dose, treating for multiple disorders meeting in a single patient simultaneously, and treating the omnipresent predisposition to cancer, are only some of the tools you need to tackle nearly all the cases that walk through your door. Your success rate will increase if you do. Healing will progress at a faster and more profound pace. Your attrition rate will decrease. And you will thrive in your practice. Imagine practising homeopathy to its fullest extent, the way it was meant to be practised!

€ 52,25
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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Manfred Mueller 2024:

This book is meant for the advanced homeopathic professional familiar with the basic concepts of our marvelous healing craft. If you are interested in expanding your skills as a practitioner of homeopathy vastly beyond your present knowledge, and to improve treatment outcome, you have come to the right place. Extra-Strength HomeopathyTM has its name from the observation that it almost guarantees a positive outcome in virtually every case of treatment. This book is a compilation of carefully reviewed and updated transcripts of lectures I held over the years on Extra-Strength HomeopathyTM given at Homeopathic College tutorials. It also contains a few articles I wrote that explain the content in these lectures. If you wish to learn this highly effective homeopathic approach proven to work over the past several decades this compendium should be your study guide.

The world has accelerated since the simple horse-and-buggy days of Hahnemann’s time, and so our approach to homeopathic treatment must become just as advanced and dynamic. With technological, scientific, and medical progress, the diseases and disorders we suffer from have become more complicated and more aggressive. Identifying and removing obstacles to cure, antidoting the secondary effects of past suppressions and exposures, understanding individualisation of potency and dose, treating for multiple disorders meeting in a single patient simultaneously, and treating the omnipresent predisposition to cancer, are only some of the tools you need to tackle nearly all the cases that walk through your door. Your success rate will increase if you do. Healing will progress at a faster and more profound pace. Your attrition rate will decrease. And you will thrive in your practice. Imagine practising homeopathy to its fullest extent, the way it was meant to be practised!

In den Warenkorb
€ 52,25
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 2-3 Werktage
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