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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.934.682 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Homeopathy Congress March 14 – 16, 2014

"Homeopathy – from Childhood to Old Age"

Programme Registration How to get there Seminar times Accommodations

Following the highly successful congresses of recent years, with up to 500 participants from 30 countries, we are now pleased to announce the upcoming 2014 homeopathy congress: "Homeopathy – from childhood to old age." Leading homeopaths from around the world will be presenting their individual approaches to the treatment of children and elderly patients - from ADHD, behavioural disturbances, and typical illnesses of childhood through Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses that occur more often with increasing age. A multifaceted congress that promises to be a highlight for 2014.
The popular Dutch doctor Resie Moonen kicks off the congress with her report on the Lanthanides for children. She presents impressive cases of learning and behavioural difficulties as well as autoimmune disease. The English doctor Jonathan Hardy, who was very enthusiastically received at previous congresses, shows the great potential of spider remedies for children with problems such as ADHD, sleeplessness, and motor disturbances. NEW: Sunirmal Sarkar (another insider’s tip) gives valuable notes on the homeopathic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well as on the application of potentised chemotherapy as treatment of cancer.

On the second day, the well-known Indian homeopath Alok Pareek draws on his extensive clinical experience to discuss neurological disturbances, including the major theme of "Alzheimer's dementia" in elderly patients. Rosina Sonnenschmidt offers reports of healed cases of muscular atrophy, borreliosis, and early-onset dementia, including some powerful live cases. The French doctor Jean-Lionel Bagot shows how he treats cancer patients, achieving an astonishing reduction in the severity of side effects from conventional treatment. On the final day the Israeli homeopath Michal Yakir, who shows how childhood behavioural disturbances can be treated with the insights from her groundbreaking discoveries in the typology of plants. Heidi Brand and Norbert Groeger introduce us to the remedy picture of the alga Chara intermedia, which has provoked a flurry of interest, proving especially popular for geriatric cases. Wrapping up is the well-known Swiss homeopath Heiner Frei shows how polarity analysis makes it possible to run a busy paediatric practice with 40 patients a day.

Continuing Education Points

Physicians: expected 24 Pts.
Natural Health Practioners:
expected BDH 19 Pts., VkHD, BkHD, SHZ 18 Pts. Homeopathy and 6 Pts. Clinical Training

Overview of programme

Friday, March 14:    
9 am – 12.30 pm  

Resie Moonen: Lanthanides for Children
The Lanthanides are one of the most important remedy groups of our time. Resie Moonen conveys what this potent remedy group can achieve, especially in children. She shows how Lanthanides can help children with dyslexia, learning and behavioural problems, as well as autoimmune disease such as alopecia and Crohn's disease.
Language of lecture: Expected English

2 pm – 4 pm










Jonathan Hardy: Spider Remedies for Children
Jonathan Hardy has always been one of the most popular speakers at previous congresses. This time he will be discussing the role of spider remedies for children. He will show the major themes of this remedy group such as teasing and bullying, feeling deceived and trapped, poor self-esteem, restlessness and violence and revenge. He uses brief video clips from various spider cases to highlight the points. Then he presents spider remedies such as Loxosceles reclusa, Aranea diadema, Theridion, Tarentula, and Latrodectus hasellti for specific indications including ADHD, sleeplessness, dyspraxia (motor disturbances) and behavioural disturbances. Language of lecture: English

Click to Play Video clip: Lithium  

4:20 pm - 6 pm  

Sunirmal Sarkar: Unusual remedies in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Cancer.

Sunmiral Sarkar is one of the most well known Indian clinicians from the school in Calcutta and treats around 100 patients everyday. He gives valuable notes on the homeopathic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as well as on the application of potentised chemotherapy as treatment of cancer. Sarkar is something of an insider’s tip. Language of the Lecture: English.

Clip: A lecture by Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar on the topic of "Calcutta Method of Prescribing" (English)

Saturday, March 15:    
9 am – 12.30 pm  

Alok Pareek: Geriatric Homeopathy
The well-known Indian homeopath Alok Pareek will be talking about the potential of homeopathy to treat geriatric illness. His focus is on neurological illness, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Alok Pareek has gathered a huge amount of clinical experience from his treatment centre in Agra, India, and has seen how geriatric homeopathy can bring real relief and healing. He will be presenting cases from his many years of practical experience, showing how effective homeopathy can be even in advanced cases.
Language of lecture: English

Click to Play Video clip from the Cancer Congress 2010 

2 pm – 3.40 pm  

Rosina Sonnenschmidt: Muscular Atrophy, Borreliosis, and Early-Onset Dementia
The popular natural healing practitioner and author Rosina Sonnenschmidt shows impressive healed cases of muscular atrophy, borreliosis, and early-onset dementia in children and the elderly.
The process of healing may be lengthy and complex but the importance of a holistic treatment plan focused on miasmatic and constitutional homeopathy becomes clear. In addition, she shows how it is always worthwhile to discover and mobilize the patient's self-healing powers. The examples, including live casetaking, also offer insights into the use of homeopathic preparations of allopathic medication such as Penicillinum,  Acetysalicylicum acidum or Sulfonamidum.
Language of lecture: German

Click to Play Video clip from the Cancer Congress 2010 

4 pm - 5 pm  

Jean-Lionel Bagot: Homeopathy and Cancer
At a clinic in Strasbourg, Jean-Lionel Bagot has been very successfully treating patients for the various side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. He sees over 4,000 cancer patients a year, which gives him unique insights that he shares in his talk.
His advice is often remarkably specific, whether concerning homeopathic therapy programs for the various chemotherapy protocols or detailed directions for different types of surgical intervention. It becomes clear that homeopathy is an optimal adjunct to conventional cancer treatment. Language of lecture: French

Click to Play Interview with Jean-Lionel Bagot  

Sunday, March 16:    
9 am – 11.00 pm  

Michal Yakir: Childhood Behavioural Disturbances in the Light of the Plant System
Michal Yakir is a homeopathic pioneer and has made the plant kingdom accessible for homeopathy. Her talk at the last congress attracted an amazing level of interest. Her upcoming presentation on behavioural disturbances in children shows how the plant system can be used to classify and successfully treat such conditions. She will focus especially on the many and fears and anxieties expressed by children. She has developed her own classification for the plant kingdom using a simple coordinate system of columns and rows: the “table of plants”. She will show how each column of the plant table can be assigned to different child types with specific psychological traits and physical pathologies. The ability to correctly recognize the special characteristics and themes of the columns is a great help in finding the best remedies for today's children. Language of lecture: English

Click to Play Video clip: Mental Health Congress 2013 

11.20 pm – 12.30 pm  

Heidi Brand and Norbert Groeger: The Healing Potential of Chara intermedia
The homeopaths Heidi Brand and Norbert Gröger present the alga Chara intermedia, using geriatric cases and illness of the musculoskeletal system. This ancient alga attracted great international interest following publication of the remedy proving. All around the world, many colleagues began to use Chara intermedia in their practice, with gratifying success. This remedy corresponds to the issues of our times, the illness of our century, as it concerns the reflection on what is essential and the working through of old wounds. These wounds come to the surface and become visible. The resulting emotional knots and hardening can dissolve in an impressive way. There is a cleansing at all levels. Language of lecture: German

2 pm - 5 pm  

Heiner Frei: Basic Homeopathic Care for Children
Heiner Frei shows how homeopathy can be effectively practiced in a paediatric setting, answering the question: how is it possible to cope with 40 patients a day?
The focus is on the coughing child, ear-nose-throat infections, and psychosomatic complaints.
Heiner Frei was enthusiastically received at previous congresses with his clear and straightforward method of working. His presentation of polarity analysis based on Boenninghausen, including a description of the procedure illustrated with a series of cases, is impressive and rich in detail. Polarity analysis is enormously helpful in precisely determining the remedy, making possible effective daily practice with a high hit rate.
Language of lecture: German

Click to Play Video clip: Homeopathy in Mental Health Congress 2012 

The Speakers

Resie Moonen


Resie Moonen is one of the leading homeopaths in the Netherlands. She deploys a variety of methods in her practice, including the approaches of Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. She has been working as a general practitioner in homeopathic practice since 1985 in Maastricht, and she lectures in the further education of doctors in Belgium and the Netherlands. She also helps at the Bhaktapur International Homoeopathic Clinic in Nepal, and has given numerous talks in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, and the Czech Republic. Resie Moonen is a great speaker and her presentations are justly popular.

Jonathan Hardy


Jonathan Hardy is one of the most experienced homeopathic doctors in England, with more than 25 years of experience.
He has had his own practice in Southampton since 1986. He is a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy and a delegate for homeopathic doctors. He is a member of the international teaching group of the Faculty of Homeopathy and holds seminars both in Great Britain and abroad. Jonathan Hardy is an excellent speaker. He weaves the various schools of homeopathy together in a most impressive way – and his cases speak for themselves.

Bild von Sunirmal Sarkar

Sunirmal Sarkar


Sunirmal Sarkar has been practising classical homeopathy for 30 years. His Materia Medica knowledge is so vast that it sometimes seems as if he has learnt the classics like Hering and Allen by heart. In his large practice, he applies with skill the most wide-ranging of methods as well as new techniques, for example his application of homeopathic chemotherapy in treating cancer. Sunirmal Sarkar is a former professor at the South-West-Naturopathic-College in Arizona, USA, a member of the experts’ council for Homeopathic Research in the Indian government and he also lectures at the Maharashtra university in Bombay. Rajan Sankaran took part in the daily routine at Sarkar’s clinic in Calcutta and was so impressed by his proficiency that he insisted Sarkar write a book about his work. Just You See was recently published, with a foreword from Rajan Sankaran.


Alok Pareek


Alok Pareek is a world-class authority on the treatment of severe chronic disease. He has extensive clinical experience. Together with his father, he leads a modern, well-equipped hospital in India in which conventional medical diagnosis and therapy is combined with homeopathy. One of his key interests is the management of difficult cases and severe pathology. He is currently Vice-President of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI). He is the author of Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies.

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

Rosina Sonnenschmidt is one of Germany's best-known natural healing practitioners. She has a doctorate in music ethnology and was active for a long time as a coloratura soprano at home and abroad. At the same time she started studying the art of healing. In her practice she very often treats patients with cancer and other “incurable” illnesses. In her homeopathic work, Rosina Sonnenschmidt focuses on miasmatic and process-oriented methods. She is the author of numerous works on homeopathy, including the set Organ – Conflict – Cure.

Jean-Lionel Bagot


Jean-Lionel Bagot is a general practitioner with further education in the field of clinical oncology. He is president of the Homeopathic Society of Eastern France and teaches homeopathy at the University of Strasbourg. He is the author of Cancer and Homeopathy (to be published in late 2013) and gives many talks on homeopathy.

Michal Yakir


Michal Yakir is a trained botanist, former president of the Israeli Society of Homeopaths and the editor of the society's journal. She has been working and teaching in Israel for 20 years.
With her simple but profound insights based on an appreciation of plant evolution, Michal Yakir has made it possible to understand the plant kingdom. She adds another dimension to our existing knowledge and encourages us to prescribe less well-known plant remedies.

Heidi Brand
  Heidi Brand found her way to homeopathy from a varied background including education and psychology as well as medical studies in the USA. Since 1989 she has been running her own practice as a classical homeopath. She is known for her sensitive interviews with all the leading homeopaths of our time. In 2008 she conducted a homeopathic remedy proving of Chara intermedia together with Norbert Groeger.

Norbert Groeger
  Norbert Groeger is a natural healing practitioner and has been running his own homeopathic practice since 2000. His main teachers were Mike Keszler, Anne Schadde, and Mahesh Gandhi. His homeopathic work is inspired by Jan Scholten, Dinesh Chauhan, and Rajan Sankaran.

Heiner Frei

Heiner Frei is a specialist in child and youth medicine who works in Laupen near Bern in Switzerland. He was a senior consultant for paediatric haematology/oncology at the university children's clinic in Bern. Since 1987 he has had his own paediatric practice. In the same year he began his training in classical homeopathy. From 2001 to 2005 he was president of the Swiss Medical Society for Homeopathy.
Research since 1996: clinical homeopathic studies and publications, including on acute tonsillitis, otitis media, ADD/ADHD and other topics.
He is the author of Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy: A Precise Path to the Simillimum, due out in late 2013.
Dr. Heiner Frei is speaking in German.

Seminar times
March 14 – 16, 2014, 9 am – 5 pm
Each day: 1.5 hrs lunch break, 20 mins coffee break morning and afternoon


All days without simultaneous translation € 300
All days with simultaneous translation € 350

Individual day without simultaneous translation € 110
Individual day with simultaneous translation € 150

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Gratis-Bustransfer zum Verlagshaus am 15.3.2014

Ihr Preis: € 370,00

Simultaneous translation: German, English, French

Registration is binding. Direct debits are collected 6 weeks before the start of the congress. Cancellation up to 2 weeks before the start of the congress incurs a cancellation fee of € 25. No refund is available in the event of cancellation at a late date. Confirmation of participation in the congress is sent after payment has been received.

Please note: the speakers' notes are protected by copyright. All participants consent to non-disclosure of all patient data. Video and audio recording are absolutely forbidden.

>> To the terms and conditions

You can join the other congress participants for a buffet lunch with salad and a main course (meat or vegetarian) including water. Lunch is served by Kurpark Exklusiv Catering. With this link you can reserve your lunch in advance.

Invitation to our Publishing House
On Saturday evening from 19:30 to 21:30 we would be delighted to meet you at our publishing house in Kandern. There you can browse all our English, German, and French works of homeopathy on four floors. We will be preparing ayurvedic delicacies. There will also be a tour through the different departments and a presentation on the history of our publishing company. A free bus shuttle will take you from Bad Krozingen to Kandern and back (departure from Bad Krozingen 19:00, 35 min. journey time; departure from Kandern back to Bad Krozingen 21:15 or 21:45). Please let us know in the booking form above whether you intend to use the bus shuttle.

Registration via the internet or to: Narayana Publishers, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern,
Tel.: +49 7626 974 970-0, Fax: +49 7626 974 970-9,

Congress venue – located between Freiburg and Basel, good transport links.
Kurhaus (large hall)
Kurhausstraße 1
79189 Bad Krozingen
Map of Bad Krozingen

The Kurhaus from outside

Auditorium, 2012 Congress

Bad Krozingen is a beautiful spa town with plenty of opportunities to relax and unwind, such as the Vita Classica thermal baths close to the Kurhaus and the Kurpark.

How to get there
Bad Krozingen is easy to reach by car, rail or plane as the transport links are excellent.

Nearest airport: Basel Mulhouse (60 km from Bad Krozingen)
Please note: Easyjet flies from London and other European cities to Basel with roundtrip fares starting at just 50 EUR from London.

Click on this link for information about the airport shuttle from Basel to Bad Krozingen. The journey takes about 45 min. by car/shuttle.

Zurich airport (130 km from Bad Krozingen)
Flights from Vienna to Zurich are available from just 60 EUR. Continue your journey by rail (Deutsche Bahn) via Basel (approx. 2 h 20 m).

Arriving by car
Via the A5, Bad Krozingen exit

Arriving by train
IC or ICE to Freiburg main railway station, change to local train for Bad Krozingen. The Kurhaus is approx. 200 m from the railway station on foot.

Are you offering or looking for an opportunity to travel with someone else? If so, please contact us at: Narayana Publishers, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern,Tel.: +49 7626 - 974 970-0, Fax: +49 7626 - 974 970-9,

Overview of hotels in Bad Krozingen

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