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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.430.494 Kunden aus 190 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
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Iconography of Hahnemann

Diwan Harish Chand

Buch: 166 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 00878
Gewicht: 780g
ISBN: 978-81-7467-161-5 9788174671615
Preisreduktion von bisher € 40.- auf € 18.-

Iconography of Hahnemann

Diwan Harish Chand

A Pilgrimage
€ 40,00
€ 18,00
55% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 166 Seiten, geb.
Best.-Nr.: 00878
Gewicht: 780g
ISBN: 978-81-7467-161-5 9788174671615
Preisreduktion von bisher € 40.- auf € 18.-

In englischer Sprache, was jedoch kaum ins Gewicht fällt, da das ganze Buch praktisch nur aus Photos besteht.
Farbbilder auf jeder Seite, mit Stammbaum von Hahnemann
Preisreduktion von bisher € 40.- auf € 18.-

The author has written this book with much emotion and feeling and reverence for Hahnemann. He consider it a Pilgrimage from Hahnemann`s birth place in Meissen through Leipzig, Kothen and Paris and some smaller towns to his last resting place in Paris. The houses he lived in, streets in his name, monuments & statues, paintings and pictures from all over the world. To view his personal belongings and articles in personal use is indeed a great and touching experience for the Homoeopathy. These include his personal visiting card, seal, chairs that he used, office table, stethoscopes, caps, original bottles of medicines he used, and a Medicine chest personally prepared by him. Unusual and very special pictures are locks of his hair; the very original Cinchona bark used in experiment in 1790 alongwith Cullen`s Materia Medica; copy of Hufeland`s journal published in 1796, which contains the famous Hahnemann`s article on New Principle. As an Indian the author has given some details of the monuments & statues in India and a few pictures of the manner in which annual celebrations are held on 10th April, birth anniversary of Hahnemann, by garlanding and floral tributes, a typical Indian custom, as for saints and sages and deities. These also emphasise government participation. It can be considered as the author`s homage to his Guru, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.

€ 40,00
€ 18,00
55% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

In englischer Sprache, was jedoch kaum ins Gewicht fällt, da das ganze Buch praktisch nur aus Photos besteht.
Farbbilder auf jeder Seite, mit Stammbaum von Hahnemann
Preisreduktion von bisher € 40.- auf € 18.-

The author has written this book with much emotion and feeling and reverence for Hahnemann. He consider it a Pilgrimage from Hahnemann`s birth place in Meissen through Leipzig, Kothen and Paris and some smaller towns to his last resting place in Paris. The houses he lived in, streets in his name, monuments & statues, paintings and pictures from all over the world. To view his personal belongings and articles in personal use is indeed a great and touching experience for the Homoeopathy. These include his personal visiting card, seal, chairs that he used, office table, stethoscopes, caps, original bottles of medicines he used, and a Medicine chest personally prepared by him. Unusual and very special pictures are locks of his hair; the very original Cinchona bark used in experiment in 1790 alongwith Cullen`s Materia Medica; copy of Hufeland`s journal published in 1796, which contains the famous Hahnemann`s article on New Principle. As an Indian the author has given some details of the monuments & statues in India and a few pictures of the manner in which annual celebrations are held on 10th April, birth anniversary of Hahnemann, by garlanding and floral tributes, a typical Indian custom, as for saints and sages and deities. These also emphasise government participation. It can be considered as the author`s homage to his Guru, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.

In den Warenkorb
€ 40,00
€ 18,00
55% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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