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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.946.910 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Looking Back, Moving Forward

J. Rowena Ronson

Buch: 497 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 04115
Gewicht: 860g
ISBN: 978-0-9547033-3-2 9780954703332

Looking Back, Moving Forward

J. Rowena Ronson

Great teachers and practitioners of homeopathy, based in the UK, share their stories, wisdom, experience and insights.
€ 46,50
€ 39,50
15,1% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 497 Seiten, Tb
Best.-Nr.: 04115
Gewicht: 860g
ISBN: 978-0-9547033-3-2 9780954703332

A reflection over forty years of Great Britain's homeopathic history through a compilation of interviews with thirty-four of the UK's leading teachers. A reflection then, but also a reply to Vithoulkas' assertion that there were no great teachers of homeopathy at present in the UK!

The publisher:

LOOKING BACK MOVING FORWARD is an essential and unique textbook for students and practitioners of homeopathy.
The book is LOOKING BACK over the last forty years at our renaissance as our great teachers and practitioners share their vast collective experience and it also asks and answers many questions about homeopathy?s journey MOVING FORWARD through the 21st Century.

The book traces homeopath Rowena Ronson's journey in conversation with thirty four of the UK's great teachers and practitioners of homeopathy.

C O N V E R S A T I O N S W I T H . . . . . . . . . .
Linda Gwillim*Bill Rumble * Brian Kaplan * Myriam Shivadikar * Ellen Kramer * Peter Chappell * Robert Davidson * Misha Norland * Annette Gamblin * Francis Treuherz * Charles Wansbrough * Jerome Whitney * Mike Bridger * Dion Tabrett * Ernest Roberts * Gordon Sambidge * Sheilah Creasy * Kate Chatfield * Roger Savage * Subrata Kumar Banerjea * Yubraj Sharma * Kaaren Whitney * Anne Waters * Rebecca Preston * Martin Miles * Carol Wise * Linda Razzell * Nicky Pool * Lesley Gregerson * Sue Sternberg * Lionel Milgrom * Barbara Harwood * Simon Taffler * Jeremy Sherr.

"This book is a record of my conversations with thirty-four of the UK's great teachers and practitioners of homeopathy; a journey that opened my eyes in so many ways and a journey that I am excited to share with you. Within its pages hopefully you will find some nuggets to inspire you as well as provide you with an opportunity to observe the roots of the renaissance of homeopathy from the sixties through to the present day. My wish is for discussions to arise from these conversations and for us all to pull together as a profession to secure a continued and expanding future for homeopathy in the UK."

Rowena J Ronson

"This is a fascinating book on so many levels: it portrays a large slice of the recent and contemporary history of our homeopathic community, and there is a richness of material about how we practise, and many gems of philosophy from our leading thinkers. It is of course totally anecdotal evidence and that it is why it is true to life and fun to read."

Francis Treuherz

"The book is superb! A document that will go down along side Julian Winston's 'The Faces of Homeopathy' as a reference to the evolution of UK homeopathy in the late 20th and early 21st. It is also a gold mine for those who wish to research various aspects of homeopathy during that period as well."

Jerome Whitney

€ 46,50
€ 39,50
15,1% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

A reflection over forty years of Great Britain's homeopathic history through a compilation of interviews with thirty-four of the UK's leading teachers. A reflection then, but also a reply to Vithoulkas' assertion that there were no great teachers of homeopathy at present in the UK!

The publisher:

LOOKING BACK MOVING FORWARD is an essential and unique textbook for students and practitioners of homeopathy.
The book is LOOKING BACK over the last forty years at our renaissance as our great teachers and practitioners share their vast collective experience and it also asks and answers many questions about homeopathy?s journey MOVING FORWARD through the 21st Century.

The book traces homeopath Rowena Ronson's journey in conversation with thirty four of the UK's great teachers and practitioners of homeopathy.

C O N V E R S A T I O N S W I T H . . . . . . . . . .
Linda Gwillim*Bill Rumble * Brian Kaplan * Myriam Shivadikar * Ellen Kramer * Peter Chappell * Robert Davidson * Misha Norland * Annette Gamblin * Francis Treuherz * Charles Wansbrough * Jerome Whitney * Mike Bridger * Dion Tabrett * Ernest Roberts * Gordon Sambidge * Sheilah Creasy * Kate Chatfield * Roger Savage * Subrata Kumar Banerjea * Yubraj Sharma * Kaaren Whitney * Anne Waters * Rebecca Preston * Martin Miles * Carol Wise * Linda Razzell * Nicky Pool * Lesley Gregerson * Sue Sternberg * Lionel Milgrom * Barbara Harwood * Simon Taffler * Jeremy Sherr.

"This book is a record of my conversations with thirty-four of the UK's great teachers and practitioners of homeopathy; a journey that opened my eyes in so many ways and a journey that I am excited to share with you. Within its pages hopefully you will find some nuggets to inspire you as well as provide you with an opportunity to observe the roots of the renaissance of homeopathy from the sixties through to the present day. My wish is for discussions to arise from these conversations and for us all to pull together as a profession to secure a continued and expanding future for homeopathy in the UK."

Rowena J Ronson

"This is a fascinating book on so many levels: it portrays a large slice of the recent and contemporary history of our homeopathic community, and there is a richness of material about how we practise, and many gems of philosophy from our leading thinkers. It is of course totally anecdotal evidence and that it is why it is true to life and fun to read."

Francis Treuherz

"The book is superb! A document that will go down along side Julian Winston's 'The Faces of Homeopathy' as a reference to the evolution of UK homeopathy in the late 20th and early 21st. It is also a gold mine for those who wish to research various aspects of homeopathy during that period as well."

Jerome Whitney

In den Warenkorb
€ 46,50
€ 39,50
15,1% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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