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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.914.412 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

My Journey in Homeopathy von Francis Treuherz, Rezension

My Journey in Homeopathy / Francis Treuherz

Francis Treuherz

My Journey in Homeopathy   

Much Ado about Nothing


von Dana Ullman

My Journey in Homeopathy

Before discussing the contents of this book, I feel compelled to tell you something about its magnificent author!  Francis Treuherz is a mensch of a human being (“mensch” is Yiddish for meaning a person of high integrity)…and he may be one of the rare persons who is just as super passionate about homeopathy as I am (this is Dana Ullman writing this).  Not only does he have a passion for the practice of homeopathy, but he has a very special passion for the HISTORY of homeopathy.  In fact, THIS book is full of truly fascinating stories from homeopathic history, including many stories that are not available from other sources.  Also, Francis Treuherz owns the largest private library of homeopathic books and journals in the world…and what’s more is that he also owns a wide variety of “homeopathic paraphenelia,” that is, museum-worthy statues, posters, badges, and a variety of “things” that were once owned by very famous homeopaths or homeopathic institutions.

This book also includes two articles that were published in homeopathic journals on  the history of Swedenborgian thought in homeopathy (Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist and mystic who had a great influence on leading American homeopaths in the 19th century).

This book is also full of clinical cases in which Treuherz tells you something vitally important about a rare homeopathic medicine…and why YOU should know something about it!

Ultimately, this book is a compilation of articles that Treuherz has gotten published in a wide variety of journals and publications…and all of this is “under one roof” in THIS book.

This book is ideal for skipping around and reading whatever subject intrigues you…OR it is the type of book that is fun to open randomly to any page and to read what is there!

My Journey in Homeopathy / Francis Treuherz

Francis Treuherz

My Journey in Homeopathy   

Much Ado about Nothing

€ 15,50 € 17,50
My Journey in Homeopathy: In den Warenkorb


Rezensionen zu diesem Buch
Francis Treuherz
My Journey in Homeopathy
von Dana Ullman
Francis Treuherz
Review by Vatsala
von Vatsala Sperling
Francis Treuherz
My Journey in Homeopathy: Much Ado about Nothing
von Richard Moskowitz




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