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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.969.348 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
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Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy

Heiner Frei

A Precise Path to the Simillimum
€ 49,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 312 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2023
Best.-Nr.: 11837
Gewicht: 970g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-001-5 9783955820015
Dieses Buch auf Deutsch
Dieses Buch auf Französisch
3rd Completely Revised Edition

Precise and Efficient

Polarity analysis is an efficient method that helps a busy practitioner by making the homeopathic prescription faster and more precise. The Swiss physician Heiner Frei developed this method to demonstrate the efficacy of homeopathic treatment of ADHD children in a controlled 5-year clinical study. The study demonstrated highly significant effects of homeopathy.

Polarity analysis is based on Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook and has revolutionised homeopathic treatment. Cornerstones of the prescription are polar symptoms such as amelioration or aggravation by heat or motion. They mirror the disturbed vital force. Polarity analysis goes directly to the core of the case. It offers clear differentiation of a manageable number of 133 remedies.

Heiner Frei’s method is easy to learn. He shows us all its facets and nuances by leading us through 40 exciting cases, from acute hearing loss, allergic disease, chronic obstructive bronchitis, mononucleosis, mumps and scarlet fever to ADHD, Asperger syndrome and epilepsy. Casetaking is facilitated by checklists and questionnaires.

This book comes from the large practice of an experienced homeopathic physician as well as from a passionate researcher who will not rest until he can bring his inspired discovery to perfection. His success rate of 80% speaks for itself.

New in this completely revised edition:

  • Latest developments of the method, all aimed at further increasing the reliability of remedy selection.
  • Working with assigned reliability levels for each symptom of Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook (BTB)
  • The previous multiple checklists for different pathologies have been replaced by just three: A Comprehensive Checklist of Reliable Symptoms, a Checklist for Perception Disorders, and a Questionnaire for Diagnoses and Main Symptoms. The two checklists contain the most important symptoms for remedy selection and allow you to make a correct choice in almost every case. The Questionnaire serves to generate a complete impression of the patient’s condition in cases of chronic disease.

“With Heiner Frei’s polarity analysis, the Boenninghausen method has reached a peak of perfection which we have witnessed in our practice. The modalities are a direct reaction of the vital force to any pathological disturbance: unlike psychological symptoms, they do not require any interpretation. Polarity analysis is a reliable method and it enhances our work, especially for quick treatment of acute illness and for hyperactive children – we would certainly not want to do without it again.” - Ulrich Welte

"By the way, the book is beyond fantastic.  It is without a doubt the clearest, most precise homeopathy book I have read.  Congrats over and again!" - Lauren Hubele

"I bought the book and love it.  Read it cover to cover twice in a week." - Peter Gold



You can find more checklists at the readings.

Other Resources:
- Dilution of Single Doses
Administering Q or LM Potencies
Dos and Dont's During Homeopathic Treatment

€ 49,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Precise and Efficient

Polarity analysis is an efficient method that helps a busy practitioner by making the homeopathic prescription faster and more precise. The Swiss physician Heiner Frei developed this method to demonstrate the efficacy of homeopathic treatment of ADHD children in a controlled 5-year clinical study. The study demonstrated highly significant effects of homeopathy.

Polarity analysis is based on Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook and has revolutionised homeopathic treatment. Cornerstones of the prescription are polar symptoms such as amelioration or aggravation by heat or motion. They mirror the disturbed vital force. Polarity analysis goes directly to the core of the case. It offers clear differentiation of a manageable number of 133 remedies.

Heiner Frei’s method is easy to learn. He shows us all its facets and nuances by leading us through 40 exciting cases, from acute hearing loss, allergic disease, chronic obstructive bronchitis, mononucleosis, mumps and scarlet fever to ADHD, Asperger syndrome and epilepsy. Casetaking is facilitated by checklists and questionnaires.

This book comes from the large practice of an experienced homeopathic physician as well as from a passionate researcher who will not rest until he can bring his inspired discovery to perfection. His success rate of 80% speaks for itself.

New in this completely revised edition:

  • Latest developments of the method, all aimed at further increasing the reliability of remedy selection.
  • Working with assigned reliability levels for each symptom of Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook (BTB)
  • The previous multiple checklists for different pathologies have been replaced by just three: A Comprehensive Checklist of Reliable Symptoms, a Checklist for Perception Disorders, and a Questionnaire for Diagnoses and Main Symptoms. The two checklists contain the most important symptoms for remedy selection and allow you to make a correct choice in almost every case. The Questionnaire serves to generate a complete impression of the patient’s condition in cases of chronic disease.

“With Heiner Frei’s polarity analysis, the Boenninghausen method has reached a peak of perfection which we have witnessed in our practice. The modalities are a direct reaction of the vital force to any pathological disturbance: unlike psychological symptoms, they do not require any interpretation. Polarity analysis is a reliable method and it enhances our work, especially for quick treatment of acute illness and for hyperactive children – we would certainly not want to do without it again.” - Ulrich Welte

"By the way, the book is beyond fantastic.  It is without a doubt the clearest, most precise homeopathy book I have read.  Congrats over and again!" - Lauren Hubele

"I bought the book and love it.  Read it cover to cover twice in a week." - Peter Gold



You can find more checklists at the readings.

Other Resources:
- Dilution of Single Doses
Administering Q or LM Potencies
Dos and Dont's During Homeopathic Treatment

In den Warenkorb
€ 49,00
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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