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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.966.645 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2011

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2011, Narayana Verlag
erschienen: 2011
Best.-Nr.: 11874
Gewicht: 1100g

Set reduced from €45,- to only  €19,-

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2011

Narayana Verlag

Birds, Elements of Life, Acute
€ 45,00
€ 19,00
57,8% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
erschienen: 2011
Best.-Nr.: 11874
Gewicht: 1100g

Set reduced from €45,- to only  €19,-

“Spectrum of Homeopathy” is Narayana Publishers’ new journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Key-issues of 2011: Birds (bird remedies), Elements of Life (the 4 elements hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen) and Acute (acute diseases, focus: children).

Editorial team
We have two distinguished chief editors, ensure editorial quality and act as technical advisors: the journalist Christa Gebhardt and the homeopath Dr. Jürgen Hansel. With this new journal, we are delighted to foster fruitful co-operation between experienced and creative homeopaths throughout Europe, Canada, the USA and India. We also offer a network for our customers, providing easy access to a valuable set of contacts, linking them together.

Issue 2011-1: Birds

Issue 2011-2: Elements of Life

Issue 2011-3: Acute

€ 45,00
€ 19,00
57,8% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Für Produktdetails bitte auf die Bilder klicken

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS

We are gradually coming to recognize the importance of the bird remedies in homeopathy: to date, only just over 100 remedies have been prepared – so we still lack a sound basis here. Jörg Wichmann helps consolidate our knowledge in this area with his summary of the remedy provings conducted so far.
This issue features an interview with Jonathan Shore. There are practical cases introducing us to Raven, Swift, Pelican, and Falcon. Misha Norland, Markus Kuntosch, Pat Deacon and other well-known homeopaths extend our knowledge of the Griffin. Annette Sneevliet and Deborah Collins present various Pigeons, Linda Johnston gives us a differential diagnosis of her case of Ara macaw in comparison to similar families, and Rosina Sonnenschmidt discusses the connection between domesticated exotic birds and their keepers. Jan Scholten with Geococcyx californianus and Chetna Shuklas with Pavo cristatus venture into new and uncharted territory, whereas Louis Klein's nosode Tuberculinum aviaire reminds us once again of the deep affinity between birds and humans.

Subscription 2011 - BIRDS, The Elements of Life and ACUTE

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-2, Elements of Life

The ancient teaching of the four elements is reflected both in the natural sciences and in homeopathy. Life on our planet arose from the bonding of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. At the very beginning, there was Hydrogenium, which also stands for human procreation in the Theory of the Elements, whereas Carboneum, Nitrogenium, and Oxygenium represent the actual process of birth.
Due to their unique importance, “Spectrum” is dedicating an entire issue to these four elements. As in chemistry itself, the main focus of this issue is carbon. We discuss the homeopathic significance of carbon's typical compounds from the organic acids via alcohols and sugars to the hydrocarbons – naturally featuring those authors with particular experience in this area. We also look at the significance of the first and second rows of the periodic table with, as usual, a wide range of practical case studies.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-2, Elements of Life >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE

For Samuel Hahnemann, the law of similars proved its value above all in the treatment of acute disease, sporadic fevers, and epidemics. Later on, modern medicine celebrated its greatest success in the area of infectious disease. Only now, with increasing distrust of multiple vaccinations and growing resistance to antibiotics, has there been a resurgence of interest in homeopathy.
This issue of “Spectrum” investigates the power of homeopathy to deal with infection as well as other acute physical and psychological conditions, presents varying approaches for homeopathic treatment from casetaking via case analysis through to dosage, and describes mild to acutely threatening illness pictures with the relevant remedies and remedy families. The case studies are taken overwhelmingly from pediatric practice. We look at both the diagnosis of the genus epidemicus for flu epidemics as well as how to practically apply knowledge of the acute miasms.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE >mehr Informationen

“Spectrum of Homeopathy” is Narayana Publishers’ new journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Key-issues of 2011: Birds (bird remedies), Elements of Life (the 4 elements hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen) and Acute (acute diseases, focus: children).

Editorial team
We have two distinguished chief editors, ensure editorial quality and act as technical advisors: the journalist Christa Gebhardt and the homeopath Dr. Jürgen Hansel. With this new journal, we are delighted to foster fruitful co-operation between experienced and creative homeopaths throughout Europe, Canada, the USA and India. We also offer a network for our customers, providing easy access to a valuable set of contacts, linking them together.

Issue 2011-1: Birds

Issue 2011-2: Elements of Life

Issue 2011-3: Acute

In den Warenkorb
€ 45,00
€ 19,00
57,8% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

Für Produktdetails bitte auf die Bilder klicken

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS

We are gradually coming to recognize the importance of the bird remedies in homeopathy: to date, only just over 100 remedies have been prepared – so we still lack a sound basis here. Jörg Wichmann helps consolidate our knowledge in this area with his summary of the remedy provings conducted so far.
This issue features an interview with Jonathan Shore. There are practical cases introducing us to Raven, Swift, Pelican, and Falcon. Misha Norland, Markus Kuntosch, Pat Deacon and other well-known homeopaths extend our knowledge of the Griffin. Annette Sneevliet and Deborah Collins present various Pigeons, Linda Johnston gives us a differential diagnosis of her case of Ara macaw in comparison to similar families, and Rosina Sonnenschmidt discusses the connection between domesticated exotic birds and their keepers. Jan Scholten with Geococcyx californianus and Chetna Shuklas with Pavo cristatus venture into new and uncharted territory, whereas Louis Klein's nosode Tuberculinum aviaire reminds us once again of the deep affinity between birds and humans.

Subscription 2011 - BIRDS, The Elements of Life and ACUTE

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-2, Elements of Life

The ancient teaching of the four elements is reflected both in the natural sciences and in homeopathy. Life on our planet arose from the bonding of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. At the very beginning, there was Hydrogenium, which also stands for human procreation in the Theory of the Elements, whereas Carboneum, Nitrogenium, and Oxygenium represent the actual process of birth.
Due to their unique importance, “Spectrum” is dedicating an entire issue to these four elements. As in chemistry itself, the main focus of this issue is carbon. We discuss the homeopathic significance of carbon's typical compounds from the organic acids via alcohols and sugars to the hydrocarbons – naturally featuring those authors with particular experience in this area. We also look at the significance of the first and second rows of the periodic table with, as usual, a wide range of practical case studies.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-2, Elements of Life >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE

For Samuel Hahnemann, the law of similars proved its value above all in the treatment of acute disease, sporadic fevers, and epidemics. Later on, modern medicine celebrated its greatest success in the area of infectious disease. Only now, with increasing distrust of multiple vaccinations and growing resistance to antibiotics, has there been a resurgence of interest in homeopathy.
This issue of “Spectrum” investigates the power of homeopathy to deal with infection as well as other acute physical and psychological conditions, presents varying approaches for homeopathic treatment from casetaking via case analysis through to dosage, and describes mild to acutely threatening illness pictures with the relevant remedies and remedy families. The case studies are taken overwhelmingly from pediatric practice. We look at both the diagnosis of the genus epidemicus for flu epidemics as well as how to practically apply knowledge of the acute miasms.

Single issue € 18.- ($ 24) plus shipment: € 2,90 ($ 4)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-3, ACUTE >mehr Informationen

Kundenbewertung zu Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2011
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Tuija Kokko
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Die Artikel sind gut geschrieben. Und es gibt viel Wissen und Fakten. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Irina Firuti
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 6 Jahren
Interessant, aber unvollständig
Interessante Artikel, aber das Thema hätte "Sexualhormone" heißen sollen, weil es sich auf die gesamte Endokrinologie bezieht. Und nur der weibliche Teil: Fruchtbarkeit und andere gynäkologische Störungen. Wo bleibt die so weit verbreitete Schilddrüsenpathologie? Wo ist die so häufig anzutreffende Hyperprolaktinämie? wo sind einige seltene Erkrankungen wie Addison, Wachstumshormonstörungen, Stresshormone, Kortisonübergebrauch usw.? Hat die Homöopathie eine Lösung für sie? Wo ist die Organotherapie? weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Tim Shannon
Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
Gute Übersicht
Dies ist ein guter Überblick über Rheumatismus. Ich würde gerne etwas über Rheumatismus lesen, das aus medizinischer Sicht überzeugender ist. Es wäre zum Beispiel toll, Fallberichte zu sehen, die Blutmarker, Bilder usw. enthalten. Der Grund dafür ist, dass es bei RA-Fällen oft schwierig ist, die Tiefe der Pathologie zu bestimmen - Laborwerte helfen oft, den Grad der Erkrankung zu erhellen. Hoffentlich werden wir eines Tages mehr gut dokumentierte Fälle sehen. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 9 Jahren
verstehen lernen
viele lange Textbeospiele, keine Zusammenfassung (wäre zum Nachschlagen besser gewesen);
aber es läßt die Mittel verstehen
weiterlesen ...
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 8 Monaten
Gut als Ergänzung
Da habe ich mehr erwartet. Es ist empfehlenswert als Ergänzung mit einer schönen Anzahl an Milchmitteln. Allerdings sind sie mehr in Form eines Praxisbeispiels beschrieben. weiterlesen ...
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Claudia H.
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vor 2 Jahren
Habe mehr Information erwartet
Der Inhalt ist für meine Verhältnisse nicht aussagekräftig genug. Ich bräuchte zum aufmerksamen lesen einen etwas leichter verständlichen Text. weiterlesen ...
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vor 5 Jahren
Spektrum der Homöopathie
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was das E-Book-Format angeht. Ich glaube, ich würde die gedruckte Ausgabe vorziehen. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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vor 2 Jahren
für laien wenig informativ
nur fallbeispiele........................................................... weiterlesen ...
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 7 Jahren
eingeschränkt gut
Ich hatte mir insgesamt mehr erwartet, z.B. Röntgenstrahlen,
weiterlesen ...
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