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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.919.206 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2014

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2014, Narayana Verlag
erschienen: 2014
Best.-Nr.: 18103
Gewicht: 1050g
3 issues per 2014 € 45 / $ 59 instead of € 54 / $ 72

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2014

Narayana Verlag

Trauma, Cancer and Insects
€ 54,00
€ 45,00
16,7% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
erschienen: 2014
Best.-Nr.: 18103
Gewicht: 1050g
3 issues per 2014 € 45 / $ 59 instead of € 54 / $ 72

€ 54,00
€ 45,00
16,7% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma

The Asteraceae remedy family

This edition of SPECTRUM on the homeopathic treatment of trauma is at the same time a materia medica of the Asteraceae. No other remedy family is so closely associated by homeopaths with the theme of injury. Internal and external injuries can have lifelong traumatic effects: SPECTRUM provides answers to the question of how to come to terms with such experiences and integrate them. Our renowned authors have explored the action spectrum of the Asteraceae, presenting both some familiar remedies and some new ones from the big family commonly known as the asters, daisies or sunflowers.

Willi Neuhold offers a clear structural framework for the Asteraceae: with the inner experience of the Asteraceae according to the sensation method and its miasmatic classification according to Sankaran, he provides a practical grid for the precise mapping of the individual remedies. A number of homeopaths – including Annegret Gärtner, Sigrid Lindemann, and the pediatrician Andreas Richter – indicate some alternatives to the Asteraceae, such as the Solanaceae. In Andreas Richter's article on the remedy picture and stress cycle of Bellis perennis, we also learn something about modern trauma treatment and the problem of retraumatization. Jürgen Weiland's article about a deeply disturbed youngster from his pediatric practice shows how important and healing this can be, including when working with parents.

Jan Scholten's new methodology is also highlighted in this edition of S...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-2, Cancer

Declan Hammond writes in the current issue of SPECTRUM: “Regardless of the prognosis given, or how unlikely this outcome might be medically, as soon as the word 'cancer' is mentioned, the patient’s mind turns to their own mortality.” It is not just the patient who is confronted with the fact of their mortality, but also doctors, family and friends. Cancer treatment is therefore not just a medical but also a human and personal challenge.

SPECTRUM Cancer showcases an impressive range of treatment options, giving us fresh heart to take on this formidable challenge. Jean-Lionel Bagot uses homeopathy to treat the various side effects of conventional cancer treatment, so forging links to conventional medical treatment. Anne Schadde focuses on the process of inner transformation. Sujit Chatterjee and Sunirmal Sarkar concentrate on the current symptoms presented by the patient. When treating cancer, Alok and Aditya Pareek rigorously follow Hahnemann's precepts for the treatment of chronic illness. For Dietmar Payrhuber and Christiane Kernstock, the key indicators leading to the homeopathic remedy are the psychodynamics, personality and central themes in the life of the cancer patient.

A series of case histories from very different types of cancer documents the efficacy of homeopathy even in apparently hopeless situations. Yet Jens Wurster, drawing on 15 years of experience with the homeopathic in-patient treatment of cancer at the Swiss Clinic Santa Croce, states clearly that this...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-2, Cancer >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-3, Insects

The pace of modern life has increased enormously. Restlessness and concentration problems are the results of a hectic lifestyle. People are disorientated, abandoned and adrift. Material things, external appearances and sexual attractiveness are valued more highly than ethics, empathy, and compassion. We can see all these themes in the homeopathic remedy pictures of insects, as shown by Jonathan Hardy, for example, in the proving and repertory symptoms of the butterfly Limenitis bredowii and the migratory locust Schistocerca.
Even if many new insect remedies have now been well proved, the themes and signature as biological characteristics play a key role in our homeopathic approach to this ancient and most species-rich class of animals. This is also true of well-known remedies such as Apis mellifica, Formica rufa or Coccus cacti in the case histories of Rajan Sankaran, Shekhar Algundgi and Sigrid Lindemann, or Cantharis vesicatoria, known as a bladder remedy, examined by Ulrich Welte. The work with themes and signatures enables initial homeopathic differentiation of the confusing kingdom of the insects. Peter Fraser takes an especially novel approach with his contribution on the feeding habits of the insects. The differentiation between blood-sucking insects, cannibals, plant-eaters, coprophagous (faeces-eating) and nectar-sucking insects produces illuminating insights for homeopathy. This is also true of the parasites, investigated by Jörg Wichmann and Angelika Bolte with the...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-3, Insects >mehr Informationen

In den Warenkorb
€ 54,00
€ 45,00
16,7% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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Für Produktdetails bitte auf die Bilder klicken

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma

The Asteraceae remedy family

This edition of SPECTRUM on the homeopathic treatment of trauma is at the same time a materia medica of the Asteraceae. No other remedy family is so closely associated by homeopaths with the theme of injury. Internal and external injuries can have lifelong traumatic effects: SPECTRUM provides answers to the question of how to come to terms with such experiences and integrate them. Our renowned authors have explored the action spectrum of the Asteraceae, presenting both some familiar remedies and some new ones from the big family commonly known as the asters, daisies or sunflowers.

Willi Neuhold offers a clear structural framework for the Asteraceae: with the inner experience of the Asteraceae according to the sensation method and its miasmatic classification according to Sankaran, he provides a practical grid for the precise mapping of the individual remedies. A number of homeopaths – including Annegret Gärtner, Sigrid Lindemann, and the pediatrician Andreas Richter – indicate some alternatives to the Asteraceae, such as the Solanaceae. In Andreas Richter's article on the remedy picture and stress cycle of Bellis perennis, we also learn something about modern trauma treatment and the problem of retraumatization. Jürgen Weiland's article about a deeply disturbed youngster from his pediatric practice shows how important and healing this can be, including when working with parents.

Jan Scholten's new methodology is also highlighted in this edition of S...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-1, Trauma >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-2, Cancer

Declan Hammond writes in the current issue of SPECTRUM: “Regardless of the prognosis given, or how unlikely this outcome might be medically, as soon as the word 'cancer' is mentioned, the patient’s mind turns to their own mortality.” It is not just the patient who is confronted with the fact of their mortality, but also doctors, family and friends. Cancer treatment is therefore not just a medical but also a human and personal challenge.

SPECTRUM Cancer showcases an impressive range of treatment options, giving us fresh heart to take on this formidable challenge. Jean-Lionel Bagot uses homeopathy to treat the various side effects of conventional cancer treatment, so forging links to conventional medical treatment. Anne Schadde focuses on the process of inner transformation. Sujit Chatterjee and Sunirmal Sarkar concentrate on the current symptoms presented by the patient. When treating cancer, Alok and Aditya Pareek rigorously follow Hahnemann's precepts for the treatment of chronic illness. For Dietmar Payrhuber and Christiane Kernstock, the key indicators leading to the homeopathic remedy are the psychodynamics, personality and central themes in the life of the cancer patient.

A series of case histories from very different types of cancer documents the efficacy of homeopathy even in apparently hopeless situations. Yet Jens Wurster, drawing on 15 years of experience with the homeopathic in-patient treatment of cancer at the Swiss Clinic Santa Croce, states clearly that this...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-2, Cancer >mehr Informationen

Produktinformationen zu Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-3, Insects

The pace of modern life has increased enormously. Restlessness and concentration problems are the results of a hectic lifestyle. People are disorientated, abandoned and adrift. Material things, external appearances and sexual attractiveness are valued more highly than ethics, empathy, and compassion. We can see all these themes in the homeopathic remedy pictures of insects, as shown by Jonathan Hardy, for example, in the proving and repertory symptoms of the butterfly Limenitis bredowii and the migratory locust Schistocerca.
Even if many new insect remedies have now been well proved, the themes and signature as biological characteristics play a key role in our homeopathic approach to this ancient and most species-rich class of animals. This is also true of well-known remedies such as Apis mellifica, Formica rufa or Coccus cacti in the case histories of Rajan Sankaran, Shekhar Algundgi and Sigrid Lindemann, or Cantharis vesicatoria, known as a bladder remedy, examined by Ulrich Welte. The work with themes and signatures enables initial homeopathic differentiation of the confusing kingdom of the insects. Peter Fraser takes an especially novel approach with his contribution on the feeding habits of the insects. The differentiation between blood-sucking insects, cannibals, plant-eaters, coprophagous (faeces-eating) and nectar-sucking insects produces illuminating insights for homeopathy. This is also true of the parasites, investigated by Jörg Wichmann and Angelika Bolte with the...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2014-3, Insects >mehr Informationen

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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Irina Firuti
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vor 5 Jahren
Interessant, aber unvollständig
Interessante Artikel, aber das Thema hätte "Sexualhormone" heißen sollen, weil es sich auf die gesamte Endokrinologie bezieht. Und nur der weibliche Teil: Fruchtbarkeit und andere gynäkologische Störungen. Wo bleibt die so weit verbreitete Schilddrüsenpathologie? Wo ist die so häufig anzutreffende Hyperprolaktinämie? wo sind einige seltene Erkrankungen wie Addison, Wachstumshormonstörungen, Stresshormone, Kortisonübergebrauch usw.? Hat die Homöopathie eine Lösung für sie? Wo ist die Organotherapie? weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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Tim Shannon
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vor 7 Jahren
Gute Übersicht
Dies ist ein guter Überblick über Rheumatismus. Ich würde gerne etwas über Rheumatismus lesen, das aus medizinischer Sicht überzeugender ist. Es wäre zum Beispiel toll, Fallberichte zu sehen, die Blutmarker, Bilder usw. enthalten. Der Grund dafür ist, dass es bei RA-Fällen oft schwierig ist, die Tiefe der Pathologie zu bestimmen - Laborwerte helfen oft, den Grad der Erkrankung zu erhellen. Hoffentlich werden wir eines Tages mehr gut dokumentierte Fälle sehen. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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vor 9 Jahren
verstehen lernen
viele lange Textbeospiele, keine Zusammenfassung (wäre zum Nachschlagen besser gewesen);
aber es läßt die Mittel verstehen
weiterlesen ...
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vor 8 Monaten
Gut als Ergänzung
Da habe ich mehr erwartet. Es ist empfehlenswert als Ergänzung mit einer schönen Anzahl an Milchmitteln. Allerdings sind sie mehr in Form eines Praxisbeispiels beschrieben. weiterlesen ...
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Claudia H.
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Habe mehr Information erwartet
Der Inhalt ist für meine Verhältnisse nicht aussagekräftig genug. Ich bräuchte zum aufmerksamen lesen einen etwas leichter verständlichen Text. weiterlesen ...
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vor 5 Jahren
Spektrum der Homöopathie
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was das E-Book-Format angeht. Ich glaube, ich würde die gedruckte Ausgabe vorziehen. weiterlesen ...
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Ursprüngliche Sprache: englisch, übersetzt von Narayana
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vor 2 Jahren
für laien wenig informativ
nur fallbeispiele........................................................... weiterlesen ...
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eingeschränkt gut
Ich hatte mir insgesamt mehr erwartet, z.B. Röntgenstrahlen,
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