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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.957.335 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

The Four Elements in Homeopathy

Misha Norland

Buch: 168 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 05254
Gewicht: 280g
ISBN: 978-0954-4766-2-5 9780954476625
not available

The Four Elements in Homeopathy

Misha Norland

Mappa Mundi of elements and associated temperaments.
€ 22,95
€ 21,50
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Buch: 168 Seiten, kart.
Best.-Nr.: 05254
Gewicht: 280g
ISBN: 978-0954-4766-2-5 9780954476625
not available

Norland's book gathers together and fuses ancient teachings with contemporary ideas to offer us a unique visual tool, Mappa Mundi, which will help practitioners in their never ending quest to find their patient's simillimum. Hundred of remedies' profiles are given for comparing with patients' profiles.

The publisher:

Misha Norland in collaboration with Mani Norland

The Four Elements in Homeopathy is an extended update of the popular booklet Mappa Mundi and the Dynamics of Change. It gathers together and fuses ancient wisdom with contemporary ideas to present us with a unique visual tool that will aid healers in perceiving the central dynamics of any case. This book places the homeopathic remedy quest within the wider context of life and nature, and illustrates how this enlarged understanding can be applied to help the student or practitioner view homeopathic philosophy, materia medica and case work from a 'new' perspective. It also illuminates many remedies and provides a clear guide to potency selection.

This book has been written by Misha Norland who has been continually active in the resurgence of homeopathy in the UK since the early seventies. In 1981 he founded the School of Homeopathy. He still runs this and his practice from his home in Devon. He also teaches internationally.

Through developing the traditional teachings of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, the book encourages us to reclaim doctrines that have been embedded in world cultures, both Eastern and Western, for thousands of years. Not only do they inform us culturally but also they are eminently practical tools with which a healer can better understand what is going on in their patient.

The book aims to link images, sensations and feelings, symptoms of mind and body, modalities and preferences, by grouping firstly according to correspondence and secondly by polarity. The polarity principle states that action and reaction are equal and opposite. In living systems this mechanism provides homeostasis which regulates the internal environment so as to maintain a stable condition. When this equilibrium is lost, we struggle and fall sick.

As we become chronically ill, because of unresolved trauma and inherited predispositions, our energy is harmfully drained as our homeostatic systems strive but fail to maintain stability. By 'placing' these failures of homeostasis on the Map of the Four Elements an inherent tension of opposites is graphically revealed. This informs us of the relevance of an individual's symptoms, however disparate they may at first glance seem, and in so doing, this guides us in our quest for a similimum.

The energetic profile of hundreds of remedies, obtained by considering signature and source and applying the Map's methodology, is given for comparison with the profile of a patient - a match indicating a remedy to consider.

Linking the dynamic disturbance in a patient to the remedy source is at the core of this work. It will provide students and newcomers with an inspirational guide, and also provide experienced prescribers with many insights.

Mani says "Misha's vision, as demonstrated by this book, is driven by principles which both predate and inform homeopathy. Working with him on illustrating the Map has taught me a great deal because the book is packed with seminal ideas that can be engage with and put into practice. It is a beautifully constructed whole that draws together so much. For this reason the Four Elements Map is taught at the School of Homeopathy and by Jeremy Sherr at the Dynamis School. I feel sure that many homeopaths outside of these two schools will enjoy and be enthused by this elegant book."

€ 22,95
€ 21,50
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Norland's book gathers together and fuses ancient teachings with contemporary ideas to offer us a unique visual tool, Mappa Mundi, which will help practitioners in their never ending quest to find their patient's simillimum. Hundred of remedies' profiles are given for comparing with patients' profiles.

The publisher:

Misha Norland in collaboration with Mani Norland

The Four Elements in Homeopathy is an extended update of the popular booklet Mappa Mundi and the Dynamics of Change. It gathers together and fuses ancient wisdom with contemporary ideas to present us with a unique visual tool that will aid healers in perceiving the central dynamics of any case. This book places the homeopathic remedy quest within the wider context of life and nature, and illustrates how this enlarged understanding can be applied to help the student or practitioner view homeopathic philosophy, materia medica and case work from a 'new' perspective. It also illuminates many remedies and provides a clear guide to potency selection.

This book has been written by Misha Norland who has been continually active in the resurgence of homeopathy in the UK since the early seventies. In 1981 he founded the School of Homeopathy. He still runs this and his practice from his home in Devon. He also teaches internationally.

Through developing the traditional teachings of Earth, Water, Air and Fire, the book encourages us to reclaim doctrines that have been embedded in world cultures, both Eastern and Western, for thousands of years. Not only do they inform us culturally but also they are eminently practical tools with which a healer can better understand what is going on in their patient.

The book aims to link images, sensations and feelings, symptoms of mind and body, modalities and preferences, by grouping firstly according to correspondence and secondly by polarity. The polarity principle states that action and reaction are equal and opposite. In living systems this mechanism provides homeostasis which regulates the internal environment so as to maintain a stable condition. When this equilibrium is lost, we struggle and fall sick.

As we become chronically ill, because of unresolved trauma and inherited predispositions, our energy is harmfully drained as our homeostatic systems strive but fail to maintain stability. By 'placing' these failures of homeostasis on the Map of the Four Elements an inherent tension of opposites is graphically revealed. This informs us of the relevance of an individual's symptoms, however disparate they may at first glance seem, and in so doing, this guides us in our quest for a similimum.

The energetic profile of hundreds of remedies, obtained by considering signature and source and applying the Map's methodology, is given for comparison with the profile of a patient - a match indicating a remedy to consider.

Linking the dynamic disturbance in a patient to the remedy source is at the core of this work. It will provide students and newcomers with an inspirational guide, and also provide experienced prescribers with many insights.

Mani says "Misha's vision, as demonstrated by this book, is driven by principles which both predate and inform homeopathy. Working with him on illustrating the Map has taught me a great deal because the book is packed with seminal ideas that can be engage with and put into practice. It is a beautifully constructed whole that draws together so much. For this reason the Four Elements Map is taught at the School of Homeopathy and by Jeremy Sherr at the Dynamis School. I feel sure that many homeopaths outside of these two schools will enjoy and be enthused by this elegant book."

Dieses Buch ist zur Zeit nicht lieferbar.
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€ 21,50
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