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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.500.482 Kunden aus 191 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

The Science of Homeopathy

George Vithoulkas

Buch: 334 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2014
Best.-Nr.: 07187
Gewicht: 645g
ISBN: 978-9608-7429-3-2 9789608742932
reprint is available again, for second volume see: "Levels of Health" No. 08238

The Science of Homeopathy

George Vithoulkas

€ 20,90
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten
Buch: 334 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2014
Best.-Nr.: 07187
Gewicht: 645g
ISBN: 978-9608-7429-3-2 9789608742932
reprint is available again, for second volume see: "Levels of Health" No. 08238

In this concise and comprehensive book on the theory and practice of homeopathy, Vithoulkas first lays out the principles of electrodynamic energy and offers a selection of homeopathic remedies, followed by a detailed explanation of the method of diagnosis and an evaluation of homeopathic cures. It is an excellent reference book for all homeopaths.

'About twenty-five percent of the physieians in the United States were homeopaths at the turn of the Century. In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas provides an objective and concise treatise oft his approach, focusing upon the basic principles and clinical applications of homeopathy. Through the Integration of homeopathic and allopathic medicines, a true System of health care can evolve with an emphasis upon the individual as an integrated organism.'
-Kenneth R. Pelletier. PhD..
University of California School of Medicine. San Francisco

Homeopathy, the 'energy medicine,' is a branch of medical science based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's defense mechanism with substances selected for their energy-giving properties. In homeopathy, derived from the words 'homeo' and 'pathos,' meaning 'similar suffering,' a cure is selected which, in its crude form, would produce in a healthy body the same Symptoms found in a sick person suffering from the specific disease. But this crude substance, selected from herbs, minerals, or chemicals, is diluted and purified beyond the point of harm to its quintessential State of energy. In contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine, by which Symptoms are treated with toxic drugs which weaken the body, homeopathic medicine aims to change the body's energy levels which lie at the root of disease. Founded in the nineteenth Century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, for whom Philadelphia Hahnemann Hospital is named, the practice of homeopathy has, over the last ten years, experienced a resurgence of interest, as more and more enlightened doctors and patients discover the powers of natural curative energies.
In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas has compiled a clear and comprehensive text outlining both the theory and practice oft his important medicine. In Section One, 'The Laws and Principles of Cure,' Vithoulkas sets forth the principles of electrodynamic energy, the 'vital force,' predisposition to disease, and the selection of homeopathic remedies. In Section Two, 'Practical Application,' he gives a detailed explanation of the methods of diagnosis, and the preparation, administration, and evaluation of homeopathic eures. Written in clear, concise language, with ample illustrations, references, and case studies, The Science of Homeopathy is an excellent reference for homeopathic physicians and an informative introduction for the interested lay person.
George Vithoulkas, one of the world's leading practitioners and teachers of homeopathy, is the author of Homeopathy, Medicine of the New Man.

€ 20,90
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

In this concise and comprehensive book on the theory and practice of homeopathy, Vithoulkas first lays out the principles of electrodynamic energy and offers a selection of homeopathic remedies, followed by a detailed explanation of the method of diagnosis and an evaluation of homeopathic cures. It is an excellent reference book for all homeopaths.

'About twenty-five percent of the physieians in the United States were homeopaths at the turn of the Century. In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas provides an objective and concise treatise oft his approach, focusing upon the basic principles and clinical applications of homeopathy. Through the Integration of homeopathic and allopathic medicines, a true System of health care can evolve with an emphasis upon the individual as an integrated organism.'
-Kenneth R. Pelletier. PhD..
University of California School of Medicine. San Francisco

Homeopathy, the 'energy medicine,' is a branch of medical science based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's defense mechanism with substances selected for their energy-giving properties. In homeopathy, derived from the words 'homeo' and 'pathos,' meaning 'similar suffering,' a cure is selected which, in its crude form, would produce in a healthy body the same Symptoms found in a sick person suffering from the specific disease. But this crude substance, selected from herbs, minerals, or chemicals, is diluted and purified beyond the point of harm to its quintessential State of energy. In contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine, by which Symptoms are treated with toxic drugs which weaken the body, homeopathic medicine aims to change the body's energy levels which lie at the root of disease. Founded in the nineteenth Century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, for whom Philadelphia Hahnemann Hospital is named, the practice of homeopathy has, over the last ten years, experienced a resurgence of interest, as more and more enlightened doctors and patients discover the powers of natural curative energies.
In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas has compiled a clear and comprehensive text outlining both the theory and practice oft his important medicine. In Section One, 'The Laws and Principles of Cure,' Vithoulkas sets forth the principles of electrodynamic energy, the 'vital force,' predisposition to disease, and the selection of homeopathic remedies. In Section Two, 'Practical Application,' he gives a detailed explanation of the methods of diagnosis, and the preparation, administration, and evaluation of homeopathic eures. Written in clear, concise language, with ample illustrations, references, and case studies, The Science of Homeopathy is an excellent reference for homeopathic physicians and an informative introduction for the interested lay person.
George Vithoulkas, one of the world's leading practitioners and teachers of homeopathy, is the author of Homeopathy, Medicine of the New Man.

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€ 20,90
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  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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