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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    3.001.204 Kunden aus 194 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
  • Homöopathie für Pflanzen

WISH for Children - Childhood Sensation and Homeopathy
Children's Congress October 12-14 in Freiburg with simultaneous translation

Vers la version française

The World Institute of Sensation Homeopathy (WISH)* invites all homeopaths to a journey into the realm of childhood sensation!!

Featuring Rajan Sankaran, Anne Schadde, Jayesh Shah, Annette Sneevliet, Mahesh Gandhi, Dinesh Chauhan, Laurie Dack, Willi Neuhold, Karim Adal, Bhawisha Joshi, Jürgen Hansel, Andreas Holling, Jürgen Weiland, Bill Mann, Jörg Wichmann, and others.


Dr. Rajan Sankaran has been in the foreground of modern homeopathy for more than two decades. In recent years, his ideas and experience have coalesced into a coherent method, incorporating case taking techniques and a systematic form of analysis according to natural kingdoms, remedy families, miasms and levels of experience.

His focus on vital sensations as direct indicators of the source of the remedy has been a quantum leap forward in his homeopathic work. His approach is therefore known as the “Sensation Method”. Homeopaths all over the world are increasingly focusing on this method and putting it into practice in their own clinics with great success. Now, after many years of clinical experience, a group of international homeopaths are excited to share their experience of integrating sensation method with the traditional approach. Working with children who are frequently unable to express their innermost feelings in words presents a special challenge. In such cases, the pathway to vital sensation is accessed through images, dreams, daydreams or direct expression of the energy in movements, actions and spontaneous reactions.

This seminar focuses on all of these various techniques demonstrating the practical application of the method on children of various ages.  With numerous case studies and videos on acute and chronic diseases and physical, mental or social problems, the lecturers will explain their analysis of each case combining the new systematic and traditional approaches.

* The World Institute of Sensation Homeopathy (WISH) is an international network of Homeopaths using Dr. Sankaran's new system based on classical homeopathy. The intention of WISH is to share this wonderful tool with the homeopathic world.
>> Link to WISH

The fee for all 3 days is € 320, with simultaneous translation € 370.
Individual days can also be booked.

Continuing Education Points

Physicians: 24 points
Natural health practitioners:
BDH 19 points; VkHD, BkHD, SHZ 18 points for homeopathy and 6 points for clinical training


Programme Overview

Friday, Oct. 12   Techniques of case taking in children illustrated with videos
09:30 am - 09:40 am
09:40 am - 11:00 am
  Jürgen Hansel (D) - Introduction WISH
Rajan Sankaran (IND) - Introduction and overview
11:00 am - 12:30 pm   Jörg Wichmann (D) - Direct observation
12:30 pm - 01:00 pm   Meghna Shah (IND) - The Other Song Academy
03:00 pm - 03.45 pm   Dinesh Chauhan (IND) - Window to energy
03:45 pm – 04:30 pm   Bill Mann (USA) - Verbal/nonverbal
05.00 pm – 06:30 pm   Karim Adal (CH) - Pictures and drawings
Saturday, Oct. 13   Using the Systematic Approach
09:00 am - 10:30 am  

Willi Neuhold (A) - Kingdoms of nature and miasms

11:00 am – 11:45 am   Laurie Dack (CAN) - Plant kingdom
11:45 am –12:30 pm   Jürgen Weiland (D) - Plant kingdom
02:30 pm – 03:15 pm   Jürgen Hansel (D) - Mineral kingdom
03:15 pm – 04:00 pm   Bhawisha Joshi (IND) - Animal kingdom
04:30 pm – 05:15 pm   Andreas Holling (D) - Mineral kingdom
05:15 pm – 06:00 pm   Annette Sneevliet (NL) - Animal kingdom
Sunday, Oct. 14   Typical Pediatric Conditions
09:00 am - 10:30 am  

Mahesh Gandhi (IND) - Behavior disorders and ADHD

11:00 am – 11:45 am   Dinesh Chauhan (IND) - Chronic pathology
11:45 am –12:30 pm   Anne Schadde (D) - Chronic pathology
01:30 pm– 03:00 pm   Jayesh Shah (IND) - Acute disease
03:30 pm– 05:00 pm   Rajan Sankaran (IND) - Q&A session/résumé

The Speakers

Dr. Rajan Sankaran


Dr. Rajan Sankaran is internationally renowned for his path breaking concepts, especially his understanding of seven levels of experiences, classification of remedy states into kingdoms and his additions to the existing miasms. He has authored various books on Homoeopathy. Moreover, homoeopathic case-taking and analysis software ‘Vital Quest’ has been made based on his ideas. More and more Homoeopaths are incorporating his ideas into practice, with the most promising results. His lucid style and simplicity makes him very popular as a teacher amongst Homoeopaths worldwide.
Dr. Rajan Sankaran is the author of many works, including Survival the Reptile, Homeopathy for Today's World and Sensation Refined.

Jörg Wichmann
  Jörg Wichmann has been practicing homoeopathy for 17 years and runs the „Bergische Homöpathie-Schule“, a three-year post graduate course in homeopathy. He was co-founder and president of the board of the Foundation for Homeopathic Qualification (SHZ) in Germany from 2003 - 2006. He has authored several homoeopathic books in German. Presently he is co-editor of Homeopathic Links, where he authors a column on homoeopathic provings. He regularly publishes an orderly and extensive database with new and old provings on his website. (
Jörg Wichmann is the author of the new book Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules.

Laurie Dack
  Laurie Dack: Practicing classical homeopathy for over 30 years, she is a well known teacher at the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy and at several places in North America. Laurie Dack brings a wide-ranging cultural wisdom to her practice of homeopathy. She is well known for her tremendous patience, insight and open mindedness during case taking giving the patient a space to go into his innermost experience.

Bill Mann
  Bill Mann has practiced in the healing arts since 1981 and completed studies at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy. Since 1993 he has attended numerous seminars with Rajan Sankaran, including the Clinical Course for International Homeopaths in Mumbai. He has lectured at many homoeopathic schools and conferences, and helped establish schools such as the Desert Institute School of Classical Homeopathy and the Homeopathic Academy of Southern California. In 2004, he founded the California Center for Homeopathic Education (CCHE) and now exclusively teaches the Vital Sensation method.

Dr. Dinesh Chauhan
  Dr. Dinesh Chauhan works as a classical homeopath in Mumbai, India. Together with Rajan Sankaran and his team, he is one of the leading lecturers on the courses offered by the Homeopathic Research and Charities, an institute which has become famous as the Bombay School of Homeopathy. He holds seminars throughout the world and directs three-year courses in clinical homeopathy in Japan, Serbia and Israel. The Indian Homeopathic Forum in Mararashtra awarded him the title of "Master of Homeopathy 2011"; he is the youngest person ever to hold this award.
Dinesh Chauhan is the author of several books including The Journey into the Human Core and A Wander with a Little Wonder: Child-Centric Case Witnessing, German translations of which have been published by Narayana. Further works.

Karim Adal
  Karim Adal completed his medical training in the US and first practiced in a hospital setting as an infectious disease specialist. He then became interested in homeopathy and studied at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in Minnesota. Since 2002 he has been practicing with the Sensation Method. Having mastered the art, he is now teaching the sensation method at the school of Homeo Vitalis in Brussels, Belgium, as well as giving seminars regularly in France and Switzerland.
Article in "Spectrum of Homeopathy" by Karim Adal: Alone in the Sphere.

Dr. Willi Neuhold
  Dr. Willi Neuhold is a medical doctor from Austria practicing homeopathy since 1989. Formerly teaching homeopathy at the University of Graz in Austria, he has numerous publications and contributions in various Journals and books. For several years he has been teaching the Sensation Method in Austria and Germany. He has been instrumental in creating the German version of the Vital Quest software. He has developed a unique way of understanding and using the concept of miasms in acute cases and child cases. Article in "Spectrum of Homeopathy" by Dr. Willi Neuhold: The Spice of Life.

Dr. Jürgen Hansel
  Dr. Jürgen Hansel, homoeopathic doctor since 1983, is the current president of the World Institute of Sensation Homoeopathy. He is an honorary member of the supervisory board at Krankenhaus fur Naturheilweisen, the homoeopathic hospital in Munich, Germany. He is also an instructor in homoeopathic continuing education and since 1991 he has been chairing an annual international homoeopathic workshop in Munich, reflecting the advancement in current homoeopathy and featuring top homoeopaths from all over the world. He is also a co-editor of the prestigious Homoeopathic journal "Spectrum of Homeopathy".
Dr. Jürgen Hansel is author of many works, including Whole Again.

Jürgen Weiland
  Jürgen Weiland has been practicing homeopathy for the past 20 years and been teaching internationally for the past 15. In addition to this, he has many years of experience in training midwives on “using homeopathy during birth”. This special field of work and his deep analysis of themes about pregnancy, birth and early childhood, have profoundly influenced his understanding of remedies. In recent years, Dr. Juergen Weiland has been working on a systematic understanding of the Materia Medica for the primary period of childhood.
He has written articles for "Spectrum of Homeopathy" including: Pathway into Life.

Dr. Bhawisha Joshi

Dr. Bhawisha Joshi has been practicing homoeopathy together with her husband Shachindra for the past 14 years in Mumbai. They are considered to be par excellent teachers because of their detailed and systematic style. They are pioneers in developing the understanding of nosodes, imponderables, noble gases & complete animal kingdom classification.
With her husband, Bhawisha Joshi is the author of the books Nosodes & Imponderables Come Alive and Homeopathy and Patterns in the Periodic Table which has been translated into German by Narayana Publishers.

Dr. Annette Sneevliet
  Dr. Annette Sneevliet has been practicing classical homeopathy for 26 years and the Sensation Method since 2003. Dr. Annette Sneevliet has been actively teaching in various parts of Netherlands, the US, Europe and New Zealand since 1990. Amongst her students, she is fondly known as a gifted teacher as she invites a lot of interaction, thereby helping the students to implement new ways of finding the similimum in their daily practice.
Article in "Spectrum of Homeopathy" by Dr. Sneevliet: Different from the Others.

Andreas Holling
  Andreas Holling has been practicing classical homoeopathy in Munster, Germany since 1986. He has been teaching the Sensation Method since 2002 and conducts a 3-year intensive course in the Sensation Method in various German cities, including Munster, Berlin, Munich and Kassel. Through "Theory of Dimensions", Andreas Holling has developed a deeper understanding of the periodic table.

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi
  Dr. Mahesh Gandhi has been working as a psychiatrist in Mumbai, India since 1981. He taught at various universities, directed the psychiatric department of a famous hospital and became the author of various books before devoting himself exclusively to homeopathy. He has been collaborating closely with Dr. Rajan Sankaran for more than 15 years, and Sankaran frequently consults him in psychiatric cases. He holds seminars together with Sankaran and has an international reputation as a teacher. His style of presentation is very lively, his often serious psychiatric case studies extremely impressive.

Dr. Jayesh Shah
  Dr. Jayesh Shah has been practicing homoeopathy for almost 30 years in Mumbai, India. Together with Dr. Rajan Sankaran and other colleagues, Dr. Shah has pioneered what has come to be known as the Bombay School of Classical Homeopathy. He has conducted numerous seminars and courses in the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and has gained a worldwide reputation as a skilled teacher and keen prescriber.
Jayesh Shah is the author of several works including the book Into the Periodic Table and the article in "Homeonews": Hydrogen: A Sixty-four Year Old Man with Convulsions.

Anne Schadde
  Anne Schadde is a founder of Homoeopathie Forum and the school for homeopathy in Munich and a co-founder of the European and International Councils for Classical Homeopathy. She is a passionate teacher and a very precise prescriber and attempts to understand the peculiarities of remedies elucidated in proving as an expression of the source, and transmit that to the students to help them differentiate closely resembling remedies.
Anne Schadde has authored Listening to Stone, Wood and Shell in which she shares various provings she herself conducted. Further works.

Seminar schedule
Friday, October 12, 2012, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm / 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Saturday, October 13, 2012, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm / 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 14, 2012, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm / 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
(There will be 30 minute coffee breaks during both the morning and afternoon sessions.)

all three days without simultaneous translation: € 320.-
all three days with simultaneous translation: € 370.-

single day without simultaneous translation: 110.-
single day with simultaneous translation: € 140.-

Ihre Buchung

WISH for Children - Gratis-Bustransfer zum Verlagshaus am 13.10.2012, ca. 18.30 Uhr

Ihr Preis: € 370,00

The presentations will be in either English or German (depending on the nationality of the Author) and translated simultaneously into German or English, respectively.

Your reservation is binding. If you provide your bank account details, the amount will be debited 6 weeks before the congress starts. If you cancel your booking more than 2 weeks before the congress opens, you will be charged a cancellation fee of € 25; no refunds can be made if you cancel less than two weeks beforehand. Your seminar place will only be confirmed when we receive your payment.

On Saturday evening, we would like to issue a warm invitation for you to visit our publishing company in Kandern. Here you will be greeted with a welcome drink and snacks. You are also very welcome to browse the four floors housing our extensive book collection in peace. We will provide a free bus transfer from Freiburg to Kandern and back (departs from Freiburg at 6:30 pm, the journey lasts 50 minutes; departure from Kandern back to Freiburg at 9 pm). Please tell us whether you would like to make use of the free bus transfer on the booking form above.

Registration via the internet or to: Narayana Verlag, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)7626 - 974 970-0, Fax: +49 (0)7626 - 974 970-9,

Auditorium Maximus (Audimax)
Kollegiengebäude II,
Platz der Alten Synagoge,
79098 Freiburg

Map of Freiburg

Freiburg im Breisgau is the southern-most large city in Germany. One of the famous old German university towns, and archepiscopal seat, Freiburg was incorporated in the early 12th century and developed into a major commercial, intellectual, and ecclesiastical centre of the upper Rhine region. The city is known for its ancient university and its medieval cathedral, as well as for its high standard of living and advanced environmental practices. The city is situated in the heart of a major wine-growing region and serves as the primary tourist entry point to the scenic beauty of the Black Forest. According to meteorological statistics, the city is the sunniest and warmest in Germany!

How to get there
Freiburg is easy to reach by car, rail or plane as the transportation links are excellent.

Nearest airport: Euro-Airport-Basel-Mulhouse (70 km from Freiburg)
Please note : Easyjet flies from London and other European cities starting at just £ 31 each way.
You will find information about bus shuttle service between the Airport and Freiburg here.

Zurich airport (125 km from Freiburg)
The Zurich airport is serviced by many different airlines: EastJet, Germanwings, Airberlin, Lufthansa, British Airways and others. The journey can be continued by rail (German Rail Service) via Basel (ca. 2 hours, 20 minutes).

Arrival by car
Via the A5, Exit 62 'Freiburg-Mitte', and then via the B 31a towards 'Stadtmitte'.

Arrival by train
IC or ICE to Freiburg's main rail station. The University is just a 12 minute walk away.


Searching: from Frankfurt (Airport) to and from Freiburg (Oct. 11/15)

Are you offering or looking for an opportunity to travel with someone else? If so, please contact us at: Narayana Verlag, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany
Phone: +49 7626 - 974 970-0, Fax: +49 7626 - 974 970-9,

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