Colors in Homeopathy - Color charts

Ulrich Welte

Colors in Homeopathy - Color charts, Ulrich Welte
Buch: 10 Seiten, Karte
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06780
Gewicht: 173g
ISBN: 978-3-939931-97-3 9783939931973

Colors in Homeopathy - Color charts

Ulrich Welte

3. Edition
€ 44,00
€ 18,00
59,1% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Buch: 10 Seiten, Karte
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06780
Gewicht: 173g
ISBN: 978-3-939931-97-3 9783939931973

The color preference expresses the inner state of a patient directly, and as such it is a significant and specific homeopathic symptom. It has been helpful to indicate or confirm the correct diagnosis of a remedy in many cases. 18 years of clinical experience in thousands of cases stand behind this publication. The color preference as a homeopathic symptom was discovered by H.V. Müller in 1985. The 120 colors presented in this book were selected according to clinical relevance and allow us to assess the color preference with sufficient accuracy. The corresponding remedies can be looked up in the color/remedy list like in a repertory. The printed version comprises more than 1000 well-confirmed remedies. The list of the website is updated regularly with the latest clinical findings.

We recommend buying the set:
Colors in Homeopathy - Set

link to the color list.

Third revised edition

“The color preference is a significant and effective symptom. It‘s effective in the sense that it can indicate or confirm a diagnosis in many cases. The color preference is a peculiar symptom expressing the inner state of the patient, which is the state of the remedy. And it‘s a very specific symptom. The table designed by Ulrich Welte is the most usable I‘ve seen so far. All colors are clear and accurately standardized, so it can be used without ambiguity.“
Jan Scholten, 2003

“Through this work I have travelled down unexpected paths to the simillimum and have procured cures I could never have hoped for with the regular homeopathic method. The wonder of color selection has led me to choose medicines I would never have previously used with great success as well as confirming effective medicines where before I would have been riddled with doubt.“
Peter Tumminello, 2009

€ 44,00
€ 18,00
59,1% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

The color preference expresses the inner state of a patient directly, and as such it is a significant and specific homeopathic symptom. It has been helpful to indicate or confirm the correct diagnosis of a remedy in many cases. 18 years of clinical experience in thousands of cases stand behind this publication. The color preference as a homeopathic symptom was discovered by H.V. Müller in 1985. The 120 colors presented in this book were selected according to clinical relevance and allow us to assess the color preference with sufficient accuracy. The corresponding remedies can be looked up in the color/remedy list like in a repertory. The printed version comprises more than 1000 well-confirmed remedies. The list of the website is updated regularly with the latest clinical findings.

We recommend buying the set:
Colors in Homeopathy - Set

link to the color list.

Third revised edition

“The color preference is a significant and effective symptom. It‘s effective in the sense that it can indicate or confirm a diagnosis in many cases. The color preference is a peculiar symptom expressing the inner state of the patient, which is the state of the remedy. And it‘s a very specific symptom. The table designed by Ulrich Welte is the most usable I‘ve seen so far. All colors are clear and accurately standardized, so it can be used without ambiguity.“
Jan Scholten, 2003

“Through this work I have travelled down unexpected paths to the simillimum and have procured cures I could never have hoped for with the regular homeopathic method. The wonder of color selection has led me to choose medicines I would never have previously used with great success as well as confirming effective medicines where before I would have been riddled with doubt.“
Peter Tumminello, 2009

€ 44,00
€ 18,00
59,1% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • keine Versandkosten

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