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Narayana Verlag

Exzellent    2.500.482 Kunden aus 191 Ländern
  • über 10.000 Produkte zu Homöopathie und Naturheilkunde
  • Seminare mit weltbekannten Homöopathen
  • Gesunde und natürliche Lebensmittel
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Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer in Animals - 1 DVD

Sue Armstrong

erschienen: 2014
Best.-Nr.: 15940
Gewicht: 55g

1 DVD, ca. 45 min.

Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer in Animals - 1 DVD

Sue Armstrong

Sue Armstrong in an interview with Heidi Brand
Secound Congress for Animal Homeopathy, April 2013 in Badenweiler, Germany
€ 9,80
€ 3,90
60,2% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • versandkostenfrei ab € 29
erschienen: 2014
Best.-Nr.: 15940
Gewicht: 55g

1 DVD, ca. 45 min.

Sue Armstrong has been working as a homeopathic vet in Great Britain for many years. In this interview with Heidi Brand she talks about her own personal experience of homeopathy, including the moment in which it “got
her hooked“.

In her lively and open way she offers us insights into the day-to-day work of her practice and describes how she takes the case of animals, drawing on her extensive experience.

The key focus of her veterinary practice is the treatment of cancer. This has enabled her to make some valuable observations on the connections between inflammation and the origin of cancer and also to develop a theory
about this process.

Environmental influences such as insecticides, plug-in mosquito repellents and other sprays, herbicides in the garden, and so on can cause cancer in animals just as poor nutrition or vaccinations can. She offers a clear explanation of these issues and calls on animal owners as well as vets to pay more attention to the animals.

In the last part of the interview, Sue Armstrong talks about her fascinating experience with post-operative treatment and the cure of even syphilitic tumours, stressing the wonderful potential of homeopathy. “A tumour is only
the visible expression of cancer“… with the surgical excision of the tumour, the cancer is still there and so treatment must continue.

Interview during the Congress for Animal Homeopathy, April 19-21, 2013 in Badenweiler, Germany

€ 9,80
€ 3,90
60,2% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • versandkostenfrei ab € 29

Sue Armstrong has been working as a homeopathic vet in Great Britain for many years. In this interview with Heidi Brand she talks about her own personal experience of homeopathy, including the moment in which it “got
her hooked“.

In her lively and open way she offers us insights into the day-to-day work of her practice and describes how she takes the case of animals, drawing on her extensive experience.

The key focus of her veterinary practice is the treatment of cancer. This has enabled her to make some valuable observations on the connections between inflammation and the origin of cancer and also to develop a theory
about this process.

Environmental influences such as insecticides, plug-in mosquito repellents and other sprays, herbicides in the garden, and so on can cause cancer in animals just as poor nutrition or vaccinations can. She offers a clear explanation of these issues and calls on animal owners as well as vets to pay more attention to the animals.

In the last part of the interview, Sue Armstrong talks about her fascinating experience with post-operative treatment and the cure of even syphilitic tumours, stressing the wonderful potential of homeopathy. “A tumour is only
the visible expression of cancer“… with the surgical excision of the tumour, the cancer is still there and so treatment must continue.

Interview during the Congress for Animal Homeopathy, April 19-21, 2013 in Badenweiler, Germany

€ 9,80
€ 3,90
60,2% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
  • versandkostenfrei ab € 29

Wird oft zusammen gekauft
Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer in Animals - 1 DVD, Sue Armstrong+Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured?, Sue Armstrong =
Gesamtpreis € 10,70
inkl. MwSt.
Alle kaufen

sofort lieferbar, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
versandkostenfrei ab € 29

Dieses Produkt: Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer in Animals - 1 DVD von Sue Armstrong ‐ € 3,90
Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured? von Sue Armstrong ‐ € 6,80

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